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Mr. G
Mr. G

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Your Key, Your Crypto: Retrieving Your Wallet Address from a Private Key Using JavaScript and Web3.js

Alice was an astute investor who had the foresight to invest in cryptocurrency during its nascence, understanding its potential to yield significant returns. In a move to ensure absolute security, she wrote down her private key on paper, choosing not to rely on any digital wallet services. However, after stepping away from the market during a bearish phase, she returned to find the ink on her paper fading. The rush to recover her investments led her to her parent's house, where a legible copy of her private key lay safe. Yet, despite having the key, she faced another challenge: she had never stored her wallet address and now needed a secure way to retrieve it without compromising her privacy.

This article is tailored for developers looking to assist investors like Alice. It aims to provide a robust method for converting a private key into a wallet address within the safety of a local environment, circumventing the risks associated with online tools. We'll delve into a technical solution that ensures Alice can access her wallet address securely, reaffirming her decision to maintain privacy and control over her crypto assets. Join us as we explore a developer-centric approach to bridging the gap between a private key and its corresponding wallet address, ensuring peace of mind for the security-conscious investor.

The process of converting a private key to a wallet address is not just about running a script; it's about understanding the security implications and the mechanics of blockchain technology.

The Code

import Web3 from "web3";

const web3 = new Web3();
const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount("<PRIVATE_KEY>");
console.log("Account Address:", account.address);
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In essence, these lines will take the private key as input, generate the corresponding public key, and then derive the wallet address from this public key through a series of cryptographic transformations.

Keeping it Safe

When you use your private key to find your wallet address, make sure to do it safely. Do it on your own computer or use an online tool you know is safe. Keep your private key a secret and store it in a safe place after you're done.

Wrapping Up

To sum it up, turning a private key into a wallet address is something you can do safely on your own. Over at, we have a tool to help you do this without risking your private information. Also, other helpful things like an online editor for your solidity development. Remember, it's all about keeping your crypto safe and sound.

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