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Perl 5.30 deprecates use of my() in a false conditional

Mitch Jackson on June 10, 2019

Perl 5.30.0 is released (changelog). With it comes a breaking change for me. It has been a long time since I've faced a breaking change with perl...
maxatome profile image
Maxime Soulé

Other alternatives:

# same length, but if $bar is false, $foo equals $bar, so not necessarily undef:
my $foo = $bar && 'foobar';

# otherwise, less perlish and longer:
my $foo = $bar ? 'foobar' : undef;
mjac profile image
Mitch Jackson

Thanks, also good alternatives.

dams profile image
Damien Krotkine

To people wondering why this syntax persisted so long: the bug produced by this syntax was actually the only way to have state variables, before the keyword state was introduced. This is why the bug was not fixed. Some people actually used it as a short syntax to implement a state variable:

$ perl -E 'sub flip_flop { my $t if 0; $t = !$t; say $t ? "flip" : "flop"} flip_flop() for 1..4'
jrw profile image

I was surprised when I first learned of this. I'm not sure why they didn't just fix the bug, so that

my $foo = "foobar" if $bar;

would be equivalent to

my $foo;
$foo = "foobar" if $bar;

Or, I'm not sure why they didn't fatalize the syntax, regardless of the value of $bar. Today $bar == 1 and your code works; tomorrow $bar == 0 and you get a fatal error?

I'm sure there's lots of code out there using the deprecated syntax.

mjac profile image
Mitch Jackson

This syntax had a bug. The variable did not get garbage collected when it fell out of scope. Perhaps the decision to fatalize it was a practical decision to fix that bug.

jrw profile image

Probably it was too hard to just fix it, so fatalizing it was the next best thing? But it seems very risky/buggy to fatalize only in the cases where the conditional expression is false, since that expression is not a constant.

ribugent profile image
Gerard Ribugent Navarro

I saw this pattern on old code at the company I work. Fortunately, there is a perl critic policy to detect this mistakes.

mjac profile image
Mitch Jackson

Thanks for this! I will start using this policy.

thorstenhirsch profile image

Uhm... no. I can't believe a lot of people used this pattern - why would you want a conditional declaration? You can't even call 'if($foo)' when using strict. I've always written code like '# Or this'.

mjac profile image
Mitch Jackson

I'm not convinced a lot of people use this pattern. I picked it up so long ago, I can't tell you where I learned it. I've preferred it for it's brevity.

davorg profile image
Dave Cross • Edited

This syntax has been generating deprecation warnings since Perl 5.10 in 2007 (see And it's been telling you that it would become fatal in 5.30 since the release of 5.26 in 2017.

Surely that's enough time to fix this "bug" in your code? :-)

And, to be clear, this is not deprecation. This is fatalising a deprecation warning.

mjac profile image
Mitch Jackson

Dave, I've never seen a deprecation warning. If I had, of course this fatalising would not have been surprising. Probably because I was not using the syntax to hack a persistent state variable.

I found this puzzling, until reading comment history on RT#133543. It's mentioned the deprecation warning may not be displayed for some instances of the syntax.

billruppert profile image
Bill Ruppert

I am quite surprised. A quick scan found an instance of this syntax in my production code.

kcaran profile image
Keith Carangelo

After reading your post I thought, "maybe I should check...", and sure enough I found multiple instances. Thanks!