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Michael John Peña
Michael John Peña

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Setting up your Windows Machine (and WSL2) for Data Engineering


As a data engineer, it is crucial to have a reliable and efficient environment for developing, testing, and deploying data pipelines. In this blog post, we will walk you through setting up your Windows machine (and WSL2) for data engineering, which will enable you to work with various data processing tools and frameworks seamlessly.

Table of Contents

  1. Installing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2)
  2. Installing Python for Data Engineering
  3. Setting up a Virtual Environment
  4. Installing Data Engineering Tools and Libraries
  5. Working with Databases
  6. Using Docker and Containers
  7. Setting up a Data Engineering IDE
  8. Tips for Optimizing Your Data Engineering Setup

Installing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2)

To get started with data engineering on your Windows machine, you'll need to enable the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) feature first. WSL2 is an improved version of WSL, which offers better performance and compatibility with Linux applications. This also removes the barrier of entry with Linux as majority of the Data Engineering tools run natively on Linux.

Follow these steps to install WSL2:

a. Enable WSL feature: Open PowerShell as Administrator and run the following command:

wsl --install
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b. Restart your machine when prompted.

c. Install your preferred Linux distribution from the Microsoft Store (e.g., Ubuntu, Debian, etc.). Once installed, launch the distribution and complete the initial setup process (username and password).

d. Update your WSL version to WSL2 by running the following command in PowerShell:

wsl --set-version <Distro> 2  
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Replace with the name of the Linux distribution you installed in step c.

Installing Python for Data Engineering

Python is a popular choice for data engineering tasks due to its readability, flexibility, and extensive libraries. To install Python on WSL2, open your Linux terminal and run the following commands:

sudo apt update  
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip  
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Setting up a Virtual Environment

Creating a virtual environment allows you to isolate your data engineering project's dependencies from other projects. There are various approaches on this such as Anaconda and Jupyter notebooks, but for simplicity *virtualenv * is enough for most use cases. To set up a virtual environment, first install the virtualenv package:

pip3 install virtualenv  
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Now, create a new virtual environment for your data engineering project:

virtualenv my_data_env  
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Activate the virtual environment by running:

source my_data_env/bin/activate  
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Installing Data Engineering Tools and Libraries

With your virtual environment activated, you can now install essential data engineering libraries and tools. Some popular choices include:

  • Pandas: Data manipulation and analysis
  • NumPy: Numerical computing
  • Dask: Parallel and distributed computing
  • Apache Spark: Large-scale data processing
  • Apache Airflow: Workflow management

To install these libraries and tools, use the pip command:

pip install pandas numpy dask pyspark apache-airflow  
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Working with Databases

Working with Databases Data engineering often involves working with databases. Some popular databases used in data engineering projects are PostgreSQL, Redis, and SQLite. You can install the necessary tools and libraries for working with these databases using the apt and pip commands in your Linux terminal.

Here are the pip commands to install the necessary libraries for working with these databases:

PostgreSQL: You can install the psycopg2 library, which is the most popular PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language, using the command

pip install psycopg21
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Redis: You can install the redis library, which is the Python interface to the Redis key-value store, using the command

pip install redis
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For faster performance, you can also install Redis with hiredis support using the command

pip install "redis[hiredis]"
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SQLite: The sqlite3 module is included in the standard library of Python since version 2.53. However, if you need to install it manually, you can use the command:

pip install pysqlite3  
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Although another option as well is to use docker to host these databases on your local environment.

Using Docker and Containers

Docker allows you to create, deploy, and run applications in containers, making it an essential tool for data engineers. To install Docker on WSL2, follow the official Docker documentation: Docker Desktop WSL 2 backend

Setting up a Data Engineering IDE

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) can significantly improve your productivity as a data engineer. Some popular IDEs for data engineering are Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, and Jupyter Notebook. Install your preferred IDE and configure it to work with your WSL2 environment by following the respective documentation:

Tips for Optimizing Your Data Engineering Setup

To get the most out of your data engineering environment on Windows and WSL2, consider the following tips:

  • Keep your packages and tools up-to-date by regularly running apt update, apt upgrade, and pip install --upgrade commands.
    Utilize version control systems like Git to manage your code and collaborate with others.

  • Familiarize yourself with Linux commands and tools, as they can significantly improve your productivity when working with WSL2.
    Use an issue tracker or project management tool to plan and organize your data engineering tasks.

  • Learn to utilize the debugging and profiling tools available in your IDE to optimize your data pipelines.


Setting up your Windows machine and WSL2 for data engineering can streamline your workflow and enhance your productivity. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you'll be well-equipped to tackle various data engineering tasks with ease. Remember to keep your tools and packages updated, and don't hesitate to explore new libraries and frameworks that could further improve your data engineering capabilities.

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