Passkeys is the state of the art technology standardized by FIDO Alliance to allow users to use generated Web Authication API credentials on a device to be used on another device.
For Demo, please refer to this webinar
The technology is now supported on Apple Ecosystem by the iOS 16 and iPadOS 16.1 and Mac OS X Ventura. Safari on these platforms can get credentials from Android or iOS based device. Android is currently in beta for passkey generation and Chromium based browsers (on PC and Laptop) allows picking up credentials from Android and iPhone/iPadOS.
Web Authencation API (and passkeys) is the only technology which is phishing resistant even during live Man-In-The-Middle attack, that is due to verification of the domain request to authenticate user on the authenticator to make sure it is the one registered credential before.
django-passkeys is a Django app that extends Django ModelBackend to provide a passkey authentication.
The application is a slim-down version of django-mfa2 which has been 🌟 more 150 times and downloaded round 135k. As this application did only one thing, it is much easier to integrate within your current application.
The steps needed to install and use the is in the README on GitHub repo.
Django Authentication Backend For Passkeys
An extension to Django ModelBackend backend to support passkeys.
Passkeys is an extension to Web Authentication API that will allow the user to login to a service using another device.
This app is a slim-down version of django-mfa2
Passkeys are now supported on
- Apple Ecosystem (iPhone 16.0+, iPadOS 16.1, Mac OS X Ventura)
- Chromium based browsers (on PC and Laptop) allows picking up credentials from Android and iPhone/iPadOS.
- Android Credentials creation for ResidentKeys is currently in live now.
On May 3, 2023, Google allowed the use of Passkeys for the users to login, killing the password for enrolled users.
pip install django-passkeys
Currently, it support Django 2.0+, Python 3.7+
in your add the application to your installed apps
INSTALLED_APPS=( '......' 'passkeys' '......')
Collect Static Files
python collectstatic
Run migrate
python migrate
Add the following settings to your file
Have fun :)
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