DEV Community

Minsu Kim
Minsu Kim

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Progress Release 0.4


The previous my blog post indicates the plan of the Release 0.4. This blog post would talk about the challenge that I have faced with.

First Issue

Image description
The challenge that I have faced with this issue is how to approach the issue. I have considered the solution that every time user clicks the different maps, refresh the page. But this solution is very inefficient and dirty method. I should consider different method.

Second Issue
The challenge that I have faced with this issue is syntax. Since I do not have experienced with Vue.js. The highlighting the table row when mouse hover the table row cab be done with CSS. However, this method cannot be used because the input table row is also highlighted when the hovering mouse over which is the repository owner does not want to have this behavior. Therefore I have to approach different method using Vue.js

Third Issue

The chllange that I have faced with this issue is communication with repository owner. The issue indicates that replace the back-ticks and UTF-8 apostrophes with regular apostrophes. The issue itself is very simple. However, I did not sure where this implementation should belongs, either for displaying or parser. I interpenetrated the issue as replacement for displaying but repository owner wants to implementation on the parser.

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