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How I increased my productivity using dotfiles [updated]

Mpho Mphego on March 03, 2019

Originally published at on February 28, 2019. Updated: 17 March 2019 Added demonstrational video for my new-computer set-...
waynee95 profile image

Nice article. It definitely helps so much when you can git clone your configs onto a new machine and you are ready to go. Also helps with having the same setup on each of your machines.

Personally I use GNU Stow to manage my dotfiles. So I don't need to write my own script for that. GNU Stow is really convenient.

mmphego profile image
Mpho Mphego

A colleague of mine told me about GNU Stow, I think it's about time I look into it, instead of symlinking my files with ln.

chrisrhymes profile image
C.S. Rhymes

Really good idea!

I used to use something similar where I had a git repo of my symlinked dot files. I had a work branch that had all the work proxy settings and a home branch for when I was working from home direct to the WiFi without a proxy server.

mmphego profile image
Mpho Mphego

I sync all my dotfiles across my work and home machine, it's like using the same machine!!! flawless

jorinvo profile image

Nice post :) Thanks for sharing!

I shared an article a while ago explaining how I evolved my install script into an update script to never run into the issue again of having a stale script that doesn't work on a new machine:

Also, my personal preference is to keep, both, my setup script and my bash config so simple that I'm not afraid of breaking it. I put all bash configs in a single .bashrc file to make it straight forward to find anything and change anything when I feel like.
No matter how we organize the files, I think the point I'm trying to make is, that dotfiles are a living thing which we adjust constantly and we should minimize the friction to change as much as we can :)

hinchk profile image

Thank you very much for this article, well written and a great approach!

mmphego profile image
Mpho Mphego

You are welcome.

sobolevn profile image
Nikita Sobolev • Edited

I love dotfiles!

There is something so personal in sharing your configuration with others.
Maybe you will like my setup as well:

mmphego profile image
Mpho Mphego

Your dotfiles, are life.
I found some gems in there.

Thank you for sharing.