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21 Best Practices for a Clean React Project

Mohammad Faisal on August 03, 2023

To read more articles like this, visit my blog React is very unopinionated about how things should be structured. This is exactly why it’s our res...
elsyng profile image
Ellis β€’ β€’ Edited

Many of these "blanket" rules: i think one should take a balanced approach, depending on when it's necessary. Your goods are not always good.

A number of these, if you use Prettier, eslint (or similar tools), they auto format these and/or warn you about them anyway.

Number 4 - Use Fragments:
I think as a blanket rule, this one is just wrong. There's a very big difference between <div> and <>, at least for the css layout, which is important. Don't just follow the many hypes, such as automatically replacing your outermost <div> with <>. Example: say, outside of your component you have a flexbox. The div will group its contents together, <> will spit them out separately, they will not stick together. You'll end up with very different layouts.

Number 5 - Don't define a function inside render:
-- Why? There are other conflicting software development principles which go against this. Example: don't declare variables unnecessarily, for single use, single use variables can make your codes clearer, or less clear. Depends on the case, balance it. If it is a short and simple js statement, inlining it can make your code clearer.
Same goes for Number 10: js inside jsx.

Use memo: Memo can easily cost you more than it saves.

11. Template literals
Whether template literals are cleaner, easier to read or safer: highly debatable. Depends on the specific case.

12. Import in Order
Counter-rule: don't spend time pedantically on things which the browser tools do (and should be doing) mostly automatically, such as: adding/removing imports automatically. Don't spend time reading, reviewing, discussing things like import's.

This seems very personal. I think most kind-of de facto automatic code formatting tools convert all single quotes to double, or double to single anyway, in the recent years I've never worked on a project where they used both (except the cases where you have to use single quotes inside double quotes or the other way around, which is a different topic).

mohammadfaisal profile image
Mohammad Faisal β€’

Yes... best practices are kindof lights in a runway.... not the runway itself.

And in my experience, yes you can always use the linter and prettier to fix most things.
But does it hurt to know why these rules are there in the first place? :)

elsyng profile image
Ellis β€’

Why? Indeed.
Many/most of the points in this article just declare a rule, but don't (really) explain (or prove) why... imho ;o

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mohammadfaisal profile image
Mohammad Faisal β€’

Agreed. But it's hard to prove these things :P

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elsyng profile image
Ellis β€’

True :o) That's why many developers have been fighting for decades over these often somewhat arbitrary things.

Software development has been evolving, too, things have been changing over time.

And that's why Prettier, for example is such as good idea, i think, at least for one reason:

-- a professional team carefully selects one standard, then the whole community starts using the same format, it makes the code more uniform, easier to read for everyone, and therefore safer, too. It's the tool's task to auto-format, so we spend our time and effort on the actual coding, and not on the formatting of quotes and commas and spaces and discussing.

kspshnik profile image
Evgeny Karpel β€’

Using "style" intristic prop is a huge source of misstyling. Imagine you have 35 div's with same styling and you need to change just one or two properties of it. Writing a CSS class is way more better and convenient.

future_inventor profile image
Maddo.Traveller β€’

That was my initial thought as well.

lakshmananarumugam profile image
Lakshmanan Arumugam β€’

Good article dood!

I love this article. Now a days instead of writing code, write a code with best practice is a far one.

I also share my experience and best practices in typescript and javascript to everyone for learning.

Keep it up!

eyalandomer profile image
Maros Majba β€’

If anyone would be willing to answer my questions about the seventh point in the article "Put CSS in JavaScript". I never understood why is JavaScript styling more sought after as CSS styling in React development. In my experience when I split the application into manageable components and pages CSS becomes much more manageable as pure JavaScript styling or styled components, even without introducing SCSS. And this rabbit hole just becomes even deeper when we introduce a component library such as Material UI. Why do they bother introducing quadrillion ways of styling their components instead of making it simpler with CSS styling, it just doesn't make any sense to me.

lausuarez02 profile image
Lautaro Suarez β€’

Really good tips mate.

Keep the good work ;) !

developedbyjk profile image
developedbyjk β€’

Great Post Faisal!β€πŸ‘‹

I Like how you explained with examples! πŸ‘

ilumin profile image
Lumin β€’

Use memo in the early stage of development is anti-pattern and might cause you trouble. So, use it when you're really needed it.

mohammadfaisal profile image
Mohammad Faisal β€’

I agree... this is just nice to know that you have it in your arsenal... when you need it.

anedomansky profile image
Alexander Nedomansky β€’

Thank you for this nice article!
I have one question about point 7 though:
I always keep my JS separate from my CSS, so I put everything in its own file.
This, to me, feels like a nice separation of concerns and I found that there are quite a few articles that criticize CSS-in-JS:

What is your stance regarding this topic? :)

mohammadfaisal profile image
Mohammad Faisal β€’

Yes... but at the same time libraries like tailwind css has become much more popular...

I think this can vary from person to person. If separating css works for your project's scale and improves productivity, then why not?

There is no silver bullet! :D

l2aelba profile image
l2aelba β€’ β€’ Edited
<div>    or    just use        ESLint and                TypeScript?  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚    πŸ˜‚           </div>
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