DEV Community

Steps on making a blockchain

Mohit Sharma on July 27, 2018

I want to start working with Blockchain and i have been looking up and googling up but all i find is bunch of tutorials of doing somthing which eve...
sandeepkamboj12 profile image
Sandeep kamboj

Blockchain is just similar to the linked list. In which each nodes is connected to its previous and next node using their address.

mohitus88 profile image
Mohit Sharma

But like what are the fundamentals thing to do(or what kind of environment or dependencies required) so that i can start working on any Blockchain ?

sandeepkamboj12 profile image
Sandeep kamboj

I have built basic blockchain implementation in javascript..

Firstly you need understand how blockchain works. Blockchain is not only for currency. Blockchain is the building block of crypto currencies.You can also implement it in Financial, Hosting etc sectors. Blockchain ledger or database can be private or public. Like Crypto currency its blockchain ledger is public. And there are many more things like that

dsanchezseco profile image

just *nix and lot of readmes from github/readthedocs.

jess profile image
Jess Lee
mohitus88 profile image
Mohit Sharma

i really appreciate your help.....i am already past this point actually.... i have done this in python though......i think i need something more than this.... i am sorry but i really do appreciate your help...thanks for that..cheers