DEV Community

Discussion on: How Do I Start Giving Talks on Coding?

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)

It is all about the story, people want to hear a good story! This talk is what really inspired me to take a whack at speaking.

Couple ideas for getting started:

  • Definitely checkout local Meetups for speaking opportunities
  • Consider doing a lightening talk your first time.
  • If you have an opportunities to talk internally at your company, start there. I started out by giving a lot of presentations at my company, then graduated to Meetups, and eventually made it to the big stage at RubyConf.

Good luck!!!

awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him)

(That video is great, by the way! Just watched the whole thing. Some great advice in there. Thanks for posting it!)

awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him)

Hi Molly,

Thanks for the great advice! I just signed myself up for a lightning talk in a local pub for people to explain their PhDs in 10 minutes or less! Let's see if I can explain what dark matter is in less than 10 minutes... I think I'll do a few short talks like this first, as you suggested, before moving on to longer, more in-depth ones.


antonrich profile image

Yeah, lightning talks is also a good way to get started. Good luck buddy.