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Git, GitHub, & Workflow Fundamentals

Molly Nemerever on March 11, 2019

This past week I completed my first group project at Flatiron School. In the project I used my knowledge of programming with Ruby to create a CLI ...
__mateidavid profile image
Matei David

Hi Molly!

Great post! I found it very concise and clear which is always very much appreciated in a tech article.

I am also a big fan of illustrations, especially when it comes to a concept like git which is a bit harder to explain if you don't have all of the background information and technical know-how.

I think it would be great if you could follow it up with an article about more advanced git commands once you get more comfortable with it. I would be very interested to see you bring the same style of writing to commands such as git rebase and working with a project that has multiple origins (to expand on the necessity of git pull origin master), for example.

Best of luck on your learning journey!

victoryarema profile image
Victor Yarema

"The two main components of version control are branching and merging." - this is another statement that SO wrong.
The main feature of VCS is keeping the history of changes!
There are pretty common workflows where there can be just ONE branch and NO merges.
Thanks for an article anyway. I hope that next article will be not that misleading for beginners.

mollynem profile image
Molly Nemerever

Hi Victor, thanks for your feedback. I should clarify that the main components of version control that I utilized in my project were branching/merging. Not that they are the only components.

brianconner profile image

This is one of the most concise and easy to follow introductions to branching and merging that I've seen. Nice work Molly.

thedevbc profile image
Ben Mulford

Great post! Very informative. One thing I’ve gotten in the habit of doing is before I make a pull request, make sure I’ve gotten the latest from the master branch into my branch and make sure it builds and runs cleanly. Then I’m ready to do a pull request and hopefully be able to merge into the master with few if any conflicts.

mollynem profile image
Molly Nemerever

Thanks for the feedback, Ben! Great point - I think I'll add that into the post. I also need to practice pulling down from the master more frequently. Creating good habits early pays off!

torpne profile image
Kevin McKenna

Thanks for the article. I'm absolutely terrible at keeping my repos up to date, good little reminder to try and pick up better habits early on. Look forward to seeing some more articles this way to understand.

victoryarema profile image
Victor Yarema • Edited

"The partnership between Git and GitHub"???
Since when Git became person/organization/{whatever_can_be_a_partner}?

yogeswaran79 profile image
rodrassilva profile image
Rodrigo Silva

Awesome post!
Many thanks ! :D