DEV Community

Discussion on: Quick Advice For Junior Devs

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Gunnar Gissel

I think the advice I'd give people starting out is to not be afraid to ask questions and to avoid self deprecation.

Questions are important, because there is no point being stuck if someone can help you. I look for asking questions in junior developers because it shows they are learning and working. The one warning sign I look for is if they keep asking the same question - eventually I quit answering it, or assign some homework or tasks designed to pound the answer in.

I think avoiding self deprecation is important because I feel like it devalues you both in other people's eyes and in your own eyes. It might not feel that way - it's a preemptive defense against criticism and feels like armor, but it chips away at your self confidence subtly and insidiously.

When you are new people don't expect perfection out of your code. I, at least, mostly expect to see something that works, and improvement over time. No one is going to give you a letter grade.

I get the feeling that junior developers sometimes feel that they are going to get a harsh teardown of their code or invoke the wrath of a senior developer when they submit. At most, submitting code will get some pointers, some collaborative time to fix it up and a new assignment.