DEV Community

Discussion on: Emojis in commit messages: ✅ or ❌?

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Ben Sinclair

Because they're difficult to interpret, culture- and background-dependent, and all but impossible to search or filter by.

The long and short of it is, you need to use words to explain what's going on anyway, so all emoji do is add bling.

That bling can end up being inappropriate for the context - for instance, an "ok" hand having completely different meanings in different countries. A water pistol on an Apple device is a deadly weapon on another. When you see a flame, does it mean the mood is "fire" (good) or "this is fine meme" (dangerous), or "breaking change" (bad)?

If you're keeping a subject line to 80 characters so it'll work in things like emails... will the emoji count as multi-byte?

Don't make me zoom my entire viewport to figure out whether you're showing me a badger or a bear.

Don't make screen reader users listen to "hotfix 12.73.1 add gender and sport to form man brown skin tone holding flag woman light skin tone dancing canoe canoe man holding football".

Emoji aren't part of the language - any language - and there's no convenient dictionary where you can look up three blobs and a squirrel and figure out their relevance.