DEV Community

Discussion on: GitLab will be deleting dormant projects

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Ben Sinclair

The naive interpretation is that all solid, working projects will disappear over time because nobody's found any bugs in them. That can't be the intention.

You don't need to suddenly abandon GitLab if it's what you like, but the nature of git is that it's distributed. You can add remotes on other hosts without causing conflicts; you can use GitHub as a backup for GitLab if you like.

For people worried that they'll lose their work - you're storing it on someone else's computer, so that's always a possibility. Bitbucket could have an outage that loses your data, GitHub could terminate your project because it's anti-something-microsoft-supports if they feel like it... That's what the cloud is.

The problem with projects depending on small utilities that disappear sounds like it's putting the real problem in the spotlight: why are we using a version control system to distribute software?