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Discussion on: On code readability in object-oriented languages

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

No, interpreting radians that way is just wrong. We have to assume that the people working on our project have at least taken a passing interest in the domain and would understand the commonly used, and perhaps uncommonly used terms. Trying to communicate to somebody that knows nothing about what's going on is a waste of time.

Your comment also causes confusion. Does this mean I can't use this function where it doesn't involve UI? Is this conversion somehow special to the values that a user might input. You've done the opposite of what a comment should do: you've added unclarity where before there was none.

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mindlace profile image
Ethan Fremen • Edited

"Assuming a passing interest in the domain" is good, assuming everyone in your team has a common set of vocabulary is more problematic. For the specific example you gave, I admit my interpretation as temperature was contrived.

I frequently work with people for whom english is not their first language, and I have found that describing even "obvious" function names has been very helpful.

Also agreed that the one liner I gave was not helpful by itself; to match the form of the article, my comment would have fit in the "Intent" line.

In reflecting on your feedback, I realized that I mostly use "why" comments inside function bodies whenever I'm doing something weird. So I guess unless your function is doing something weird, "why" comments matter less.