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How I Evaluate You in a Code Interview

edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y on October 30, 2019

Many of my interview candidates do poorly as they don’t understand how I evaluate them. While other interviewers’ criteria vary, there are common t...
individualit profile image
Artur Neumann

So you prefer more chatting people, people who find it easy to talk out of their heads even is not finished?
What about people (mostly introverts) who have the ideas in their heads but find it hard just to chat about them, those maybe they would be more comfortable just to write it down in silence.
I got reasonable marks in school, not because I was better than others, but because I was more chatty. Teachers preferred chatty people that "participate" in class. Today I feel that is unfair towards more quite people.

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

I prefer people that can voice their thoughts. This is an essential part of being a programmer, it's not limited to an interview situation. I need to know that you can communicate with the rest of the team. I need to know that when you're having problems, you'll be able to voice them and get the assistance you need.

This is definitely a hurdle for some individuals, but getting over it will make one much more successful in interviews, and on the job. Don't worry that it's "chatting" though. I don't want smalltalk, I want your thoughts, however terse they may be. Trust yourself, and understand issues are normal. There's no reason to be afraid of voicing what's in your head.

pjaws profile image
Paul Matthew Jaworski

This is absolutely not an essential part of being a programmer. There's an enormous difference between explaining something you've had time to think about on your own with your co-workers and talking out loud while you're trying to solve a difficult problem with someone staring at you and judging you.

This fails to assess every single thing you're supposedly assessing. It's not a good indicator of problem solving ability, technical skills, or communication. It's a good indicator of whether or not that person doesn't have performance anxiety issues and/or has seen that same problem before and already given it thought.

I can not wait until more companies realize how ridiculous and biased this form of interviewing is.

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nubunto profile image
Bruno Luis Panuto Silva • Edited

I totally agree with you. What do you think would be a good approach to an interview, if you had the opportunity to lay it out?

Usually when we are interviewing, I try to keep the candidate as relaxed as possible: voicing that explicitly, at the maximum two people at a given interview (with some exceptions). Doing that is easy enough, but how to actually make the candidate comfortable?

One good way (IMO) is to give enough time for problem solving through a tool like Hacker Rank or similar, and then after you have that out of the way, a friendly conversation about systems design/cultural fit/etc in person.

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

Coding with a stranger over your shoulder who is judging you is a lot different and more intimidating than talking to a team member in the same foxhole as you. I'm watching one of these interviews, and I already feel stressed and my neurons are misfiring trying to come up with a solution. Whereas in a team environment I feel quite comfortable communicating and designing solutions in a group.

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mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

I won't disagree, there's added stress in the interview. But the purpose of an interview is to assess your skills. What other ways would I have of judging the person's communication abilities?

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kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

I have different goals on interviews. My situation biases me -- we tend to hire devs with no experience. Coding interviews are not very useful in that case. And we need to help develop their skills anyway. I believe every person has a unique combination of inherent strengths and weaknesses and that most skills are learnable to a passable level. Including technical and soft skills.

Instead of looking for skill expertise, I look for a person who is teachable (implying intellect as well as outlook). If I was hiring for an experienced dev position, I would probably look for a person who is still teachable. This kind of person tends to be a supportive team member. The people I don't want to work with (regardless of experience level or the skills they possess) are the ones who already have everything figured out. They tend to look pretty good on traditional interviews because their confidence level makes them convincing.

As far as coding tests, I have given small take-home coding challenges, but these did not play a major factor in hiring decisions. As in, we hired devs who could not yet complete them. They were more to answer the question "how close to zero are they starting?"

Even with a more experienced position an individual coding interview seems like it would have limited value for us. It could be I want to assess their problem solving ability. But we tend to solve the hard problems as a group. The stress and arbitrary-ness of individual code interviews can play a large factor in creating poor on-the-fly solutions. (Code interviews often have you solve contrived puzzles. But my instinct in a real work environment is to view contrived problems with suspicion and to try to find the Why rather than rattling off solutions.) So such an interview doesn't really indicate how they will do in position we have for them. (Another factor: it turns out our tech stack is pretty amenable to being maintained, so it takes the pressure off of making mistakes and learning from them while still delivering value.) Also, we can't really use the code interview to test for tech stack knowledge, because probably very few people use our stack. We would have to assume even experienced devs would need a couple of weeks to spin up.

For the rest of it -- verifying resume claims and evaluating various criteria -- it can be done through conversation. And it still boils down to a judgement call.

Fair disclosure of known biases: Our software department is small, so sample size is limited. I'm also saying the above as the person that chose and has been iterating on our tech.

rvprasad profile image
Venkatesh-Prasad Ranganath

I hope you are not saying "voicing thoughts" is the same as "communicating thoughts". The former is just blurting everything you are thinking. This can be hard for folks who can think very quickly but cannot express them quickly with words, e.g., non-native English speakers, visual thinkers (remember they have to explain the pics they draw). The latter is more controlled as it is about distilling and arranging a thought in a way that another person can understand.

IMO a better approach would be to let the candidates to solve the problem while applying their technical skills as they would do naturally. If the candidate solves the problem, then ask away about the solution and how he/she arrived at the solution. [Or do we think asking well-framed questions is hard? ;)] This approach provides a more accurate picture of how the candidates operates.

That said, if you will consider the candidate's operational style in the hiring decision, then you should be up front about it. Even so, if you are looking for candidates with specific operational style, I'd say you are narrowing your picks and losing out on diversity.

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individualit profile image
Artur Neumann

That is roughly what we are doing at JankariTech.
The candidate has to work on a programming exercise (btw. we don't care about syntax, the IDE will help you to place the brackets at the right place, nor do we expect the candidate to have a complete solution at the end of the time)
After the programming the candidate comes to the interviewer and explains what she/he had done, what other ideas she had and what would have been the next steps.
We hope that gives a good chance to people who can talk easy, but also to those who first have to think in isolation.

I personally develop ideas while talking, so I find it very easy to 'discuss' with my self, but I know a lot if people who are different. I feel a lot of Western cultures give an unfair advantage to rather chatty people.

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rvprasad profile image
Venkatesh-Prasad Ranganath • Edited

Nice practice.

I am fine with folks developing ideas while talking but I doubt what one talks about while thinking would make sense or seem coherent to many others. Trying to make sure that the talking is sensible+coherent takes away the focus from the task of thinking.

jwp profile image
JWP • Edited

30 years in industry and I've gotten rejected because "I didn't pass the programmer test"... what a joke! The question they wanted me to code up was never once necessary in 30 years of programming. duh... And they put me into an unfamiliar environment; IDE and System, with three guys watching (no collaboration) to do it.

Besides, the way I code today is to first go to StackOverflow whenever I have any questions and start from there. To create something from scratch is 1980's technology.

The best thing to come out of that was not to be invited to work with them. I think "show me your code chops" interviews are ridiculous.

thomascayne profile image
Thomas Cayne

I wholly agree with you. I have 30+ years of software development experience. Throughout I would classify the best and highly skilled developers I've met to be non-chatty. Brilliant people! Some prefer to locked themselves in a darkened room with their headsets on with a soothing, bubbling fish tank in the background. They will fail this soft of interview. Do a Google search for the article "Developers rise against whiteboard interviews" and what David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH), the creator of Ruby on Rails said.

I failed an interview a month ago. I learned a tremendously important lesson though: interviewers tend to ask meaningful questions. There were 4 interviewers asking me Angularistic questions. They all had papers in front of them. I had a mind block. I know my stuff. The "how" wasn't satisfactory to them. They insisted on "so..what you call it? What do you call tat term? or What do you call that life-cycle?" Who cares!!!x10 A switch went off in my mind: "All interview I do from now on I AM the interviewer. I'm the one who knows what I can do. I'm evaluating you. Just because you're seeking to hire me doesn't mean you're the best interviewer. You have a requirement and I am here to fulfill it."

I'd like to see interviewers put their stupid papers and notes away and talk. Interviewees can't bring in notes or search Google/SO. When I started programming in the 80s we never had these linting tools and intellisense to guide us. In 1990 when I was a freelance developer I once spent 3 days hunting down a compilation error in a desktop application. How could your problem-solving interview-technique tackle that one?

All this talk about how you interview is simple Applied opinion. It's not even a golden rule because there are lots of holes in all interview processes. It's not even a science. I've literally seen, before my VERY eyes, interviewers who laugh at candidates after interviewing them and how they fail miserably. They would laugh about the content of some resumes: "What? This is not even a skill, etc". None could deter them to treat them as themselves. We all want a better world. The questions are: what does that world look like? How are we going to get there? What are you willing to give up, ergo, your way (opinion) to achieve it?

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

There are plenty of bad interviews and bad interviewers in this industry. I strive not to follow bad practices.

migben profile image
Miguel Ben

So what's the solution? Are you going to brush up on today's tech interview questions etc...?

jwp profile image

The solution is to not interview with those requiring coding tests. Why? They are saying we don't believe your resume.

thorstenhirsch profile image
Thorsten Hirsch

There's a website where you can watch other people's code interviews?! Oh! My! God! Guess I need no Netflix anymore for the rest of the week. :-)

saichai profile image
Sai Chimata

Sounds like a bad episode of Black Mirror 😬

j1omega profile image


slisznia profile image
Slawomir Lisznianski

Under typical work conditions, in a decent team work environment, there is the planning phase during which one should be able express why and how to solve something in a particular way. This is needed so your peers can review and poke holes at it. This can be done via email, Slack, IRC or in a conf. room. Once the planning phase is done, of course nobody sane wants endless chatter about it. This is the implementation phase, ideally carried out without distractions until done or something big is discovered which requires another round of planning.

Interviews, unlike ordinary day in a coder's life, are more stressful because they combine the two phases into a short time-frame: design (coming up with a solution) and implementation. The interviewer thus has a critical role to ease the pain of the candidate and make her/him feel welcomed, not rushed. Nevertheless the candidate must be able to explain the design/solution because it's part of the phase-1 objective, i.e. to avoid coding mistakes before any code is even written. Establishing if a candidate can describe the design or solution is reasonable expectation and edA-qa's article nailed it.

nahidmbstu profile image
Nahid Hasan • Edited

A person can be bad in communication sometimes. I have experienced this in my early career. But that does not always mean that he is not hire able or bad at programming. I think we must find better approach for people with lack of communication skills.

guyinpv profile image

Are there any mockup, or recorded, or just role-playing interviews we can watch of this concept?

As a freelancer, I've done almost no interviews, so I actually have very little idea what "level" I'm at, or how I would fair in such an interview. So I'm curious to see a mock or real or roleplay interview so I can judge my own self how I might do in one.

rohansawant profile image
Rohan Sawant

Yes! Exactly what I was looking for, I got rejected in an interview recently I wonder how many of the things mentioned here, I did not do.

stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee • Edited

TBH only the third tells me anything useful about a dev in the "heat" of the moment of an interview (very heavy emphasis on the quotes, I'll get to that in a moment). I do not do live code or whiteboarding exercises, nor terminology quizzing, period.

Why? Because here's what I've learned from them: That devs fresh out of CS degree programs and boot camps - and job hoppers - tend to do much better than those who actually solve real world problems every day.

Perhaps even worse is what I'm conveying to the candidate about myself and the company, no matter how unintentionally or inaccurately, by putting them in such situations: That they are expected to work under undue, on-the-spot pressure, caused by me or someone else above them in the company, and that they're "free" to solve the problem in their own way... But we're watching at all times.

That's bunk, and it stifles creative ingenuity from the very start.

So what works?

  1. Conversational, experiential interview, with as little initial Q (as in Q&A) from my side, waiting until what they said merits a question. The more experienced they are, the more it becomes about trading war stories. Give them the lay of the land, and make them feel comfortable with speaking to it and offering suggestions. And of course answer their questions readily.
  2. Take-home challenge, with ample time to finish it in their spare time, an hour here and there (and obviously, I hope, not spending too many hours on it - but not in a timed sense).
  3. Second technical interview, code review format. Make them justify their decisions, even if they lifted parts from GitHub, SO, etc. Don't nitpick, save (constructive) critiques for the end.

Why does this work for me, and why do I think companies should adopt it themselves and finally get rid of the live code interview? I already covered why pressure doesn't work (no matter how many times you say "no pressure"). The key to this is letting them relax. Not only do they feel more comfortable to create, to take chances, and more importantly to reason about solutions in their own way... It's also a lot easier to detect BS when a person is relaxed, while even the best candidates can crumble under pressure when they know it's their only shot.

attkinsonjakob profile image
Jakob Attkinson

If you'd have to suggest just one book to someone reading your lines, doubts himself and thinks "Would I do good with this interviewer? There's so much more I have to learn....", what would it be?

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

Can I suggest my book ...or my course :)

The book isn't targeting interviews, but I think it carries an important message for your concern. Programming is a vast field, and you should always be telling yourself "There's so much more I have to learn..." Until you have 15-20 years of experience behind you, there's no way you should feel as though you've seen everything.

Even then, you shouldn't assume you know everything. I walk into interviews with the same concerns as everybody else: how do I look to this interviewer. This doubt is normal, but you need to believe in yourself.

Remember, you're goal is to give an honest reflection of who you are, not to sell some artificial version of yourself. If you don't fit into the role, or the interviewer reads you wrong, oh well. On to the next interview.

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