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Cover image for Goodbye Master, Hello...What?

Goodbye Master, Hello...What?

Jason C. McDonald on June 29, 2020

Next week, we'll begin the process of renaming the master branch on all our repositories to something else. In case this movement in tech is a bit...
yougotwill profile image
Will G β€’

At a previous company I worked at we had master and develop where the latter was used for the latest work and master was the stable branch. Going forward in my own work I think I will use stable instead of master and keep develop as is. Seems pretty easy to me :)

perpetual_education profile image
perpetual . education β€’

We never understood why it was called 'master' - or really why it's called "production" either. No solution yet... but - 'devel' doesn't seem that fun. We always prefer 'random' over 'rand.'

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald β€’ β€’ Edited

Here's some of the history behind Git's use of master, from the guy who started using it.

But, yeah, I feel like edge is more fun, personally.

scottshipp profile image
scottshipp β€’

It has to be trunk! If you use the term 'branches' and 'working tree', a lot of order is restored to the universe (in my opinion) by calling the trunk of the tree what it is:

the trunk!

I've been so surprised about this discussion. I can't imagine calling it anything else.

Except . . .

The tide in the community seems to be inevitably toward main . . . and that's what my company has now adopted internally. Oh well.

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald β€’

Actually, I think you make a pretty good point. The only trouble in our system with calling it "trunk" is that we effectively have three trees: stable, fresh, and (now) devel. While changes generally flow devel -> fresh -> stable, that's not always the case. If there's a critical bug in stable, and we're working on a separate release on fresh, we would need to branch off stable, change things, run it through the CI/CD, and then land that branch directly to stable.

It's somewhat along the same lines as when one of our team members said it should really be "main" to indicate "the primary branch" β€” even he agreed that didn't make sense once I explained that we had three primaries.

scottshipp profile image
scottshipp β€’

Three trunks . . . It's a hydra! :D

trasherdk profile image
TrasherDK β€’
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codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald β€’

Yup, all the unproductive debate about whether master should even be changed, which I explicitly stated at the end of the article has no place in this discussion. ;)

Sometimes you have to take a hard line on intolerance.

trasherdk profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct
TrasherDK β€’

Censoring opposing opinions is just another form of intolerance.

I have no opinion about what your choose to call your github branches. That's totally up to you,

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codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald β€’ β€’ Edited

Welcome to the paradox of intolerance: to support tolerance, one must be intolerant of intolerance. That means, no, I don't have to give voice to people baselessly criticizing the very real experiences of people wholly dissimilar to themselves.

Besides, there are other places to have this conversation about whether master should be renamed...although it's honestly been exhausted across multiple threads and articles. The only dissenters are people with absolutely no stake in the matter save a minor inconvenience in renaming a couple of things. Many of the people who have reason to care have already spoken.

From the DEV Code of Conduct:

Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:


  • Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences.


Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:


  • Dismissing or attacking inclusion-oriented requests


We pledge to prioritize marginalized people’s safety over privileged people’s comfort.

As the "pro-master" arguments are almost always in violation of those first two cited principles, I am merely exercising the third.

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trasherdk profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct
TrasherDK β€’

As noted before. I don't care what you call your branches. It's none of my business.
What I do care about is censorship. When you choose to make a political statement in a public forum, you can not delete responses you don't like. You opened the gate, now deal with the responses.

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codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald β€’ β€’ Edited

Literally not how it works, mate. Free speech doesn't mean hate speech is tolerable, especially not here. That is the literal exact reason "Hide Comment" was given to all authors.

If "I should be able to say whatever to whomever" is your philosophy, you're on the wrong platform.

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trasherdk profile image
TrasherDK β€’

Well. I'm not saying "hate speech is tolerable" or "I should be able to say whatever to whomever".
I'm saying that I'm not happy about censorship anywhere.

In my opinion, a developer community platform, is not the right place to push a political agenda.

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codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald β€’ β€’ Edited

What you perceive as a "political agenda" is really an issue of interpersonal compassion and intercultural communication. You don't have the slightest idea what real censorship is. You're merely angry that you (or someone else) isn't being given free and unbridled voice after being warned this was not the place for the topic.

The issue of master matters deeply to some people of color, and therefore, it should matter to us. It's not political, it's personal to them. They've already been publicly criticized and flamed for feeling that way, and that's not okay.

It's your crowd that made this "political". If you feel it's so morally reprehensible to lend your shoulder to a wheel that means nothing to you, but a lot to someone else, then the best thing you can do is recognize that you cannot possibly contribute any value to this conversation, sit down, and let saner heads prevail. You are entirely in the wrong here.

But I am not bothering any further with this. I've only responded now in hopes that you can learn something. However, I have hidden your comment thread as well, as per my article's warning and consistent with this website's Code of Conduct. This is not the place. In case you have any further objections, just understand: I am exercising MY right to free speech when I put the brakes on unproductive debates in MY article comments. If you want to complain, find your own place for it. This spot doesn't belong to you.

terpinmd profile image
terpinmd β€’


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