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Install ODBC driver on Mac

Operating system: Apple Mac OS X


Install unixODBC library to access databases

To get ODBC working we need to install the unixODBC package

The unixODBC package can be used to access databases through the ODBC

Install unixODBC package:

brew install unixodbc
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To verify whether unixODBC is installed, execute the following commands:

which odbcinst
which isql
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Replace the odbc driver on the mac with the UnixOdbc driver
Read more about it here.

In order to do this we need to temporarily turn off System Integrity Protection (SIP):

Click on the  (Apple Logo) at the far left of your Mac's Menubar.
Click on Restart.
Hold down CMD + R during reboot to enter Recovery Mode.
Click on the Utilities Menu.
Launch Terminal.

csrutil disable
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Restart your Mac again.

rename the existing libiodbc.dylib file

sudo mv /usr/lib/libiodbc.dylib /usr/lib/libiodbc.IODBC.dylib
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Automatically create a new symbolic link to the unixODBC libodbc.2.dylib file

we can try to find the libodbc.2.dylib file automatically if this command does not work, you will have to manually create it

tmpp=$(find /usr/local/Cellar/unixodbc -name libodbc.2.dylib)
echo "sudo ln -s $tmpp /usr/lib/libiodbc.dylib"
sudo ln -s $tmpp /usr/lib/libiodbc.dylib
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Manually create a new symbolic link to the unixODBC libodbc.2.dylib file

The unixodbc is installed in a directory that has a specific version so we need to create the command below. Make sure to replace with the correct information found, for example, 2.3.7

# sudo ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/unixodbc//lib/libodbc.2.dylib /usr/lib/libiodbc.dylib

cd /usr/local/Cellar/unixodbc
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Click on the  (Apple Logo) at the far left of your Mac's Menubar.
Click on Restart.
Hold down CMD + R during reboot to enter Recovery Mode.
Click on the Utilities Menu.
Launch Terminal.


csrutil enable
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Restart your Mac again.

Download the IBM DB2 ODBC CLI Driver

Extract file:

Create the directory:

 mkdir /usr/local/share/odbc_db2
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untar the file into the newly created directory

 tar xvzf macos64_odbc_cli.tar.gz -C /usr/local/share/odbc_db2
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The IBM DB2 Client libraries (libdb2.dylib) needs to be in the macOS library search path
So create a shortcut(a symbolic link to the libdb2.dylib file):

  • Navigate to the new directory
cd /usr/local/share/odbc_db2/clidriver/lib/
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  • Create a shortcut(symbolic link)

from: /usr/local/share/odbc_db2/clidriver/lib/libdb2.dylib

to : /usr/local/lib/libdb2.dylib

ln -s $(pwd)/libdb2.dylib /usr/local/lib
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configure odbcinst.ini

Verify the driver data stored in odbcinst.ini

file location: /usr/local/etc/odbcinst.ini
The location of this file can also be found by running

odbcinst -j
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The odbcinst.ini file maps all of the files needed for the driver to operate properly. The odbcinst.ini usually looks like this. If your copy is missing information about IBM go ahead and add it


[IBM i Access ODBC Driver]
Description=IBM i Access for Mac ODBC Driver

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Configure odbc.ini

create ODBC.ini

File location for the SYSTEM DATA SOURCES:
*/usr/local/etc/odbc.ini *

  • The name of the DSN should be placed within the [] brackets

  • The name of the driver specified in the Driver keyword must match the name of a driver defined in the odbcinst.ini.

vi /usr/local/etc/odbc.ini
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Copy and paste the details below.
Note : To save the file, press the Esc key, then type :wq


Description            = IBM i Access for Mac ODBC data source
Driver                 = IBM i Access ODBC Driver
System                 =
Naming                 = 0
DefaultLibraries       = usrsadbtst
TrueAutoCommit         = 1
UserID                 = username1
Password               = password1
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Edit ODBC Data Source file
The db2cli also needs the ODBC DSN entry so make s, if a well defined db2cli.ini file exists at the drivers config dir. Please create the file /usr/local/share/odbc_db2/clidriver/cfg/db2cli.ini with this content:

vi /usr/local/share/odbc_db2/clidriver/cfg/db2cli.ini
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Copy and paste the details below.
Note : To save the file, press the Esc key, then type :wq


Protocol= TCPIP
ServiceName= 50000
uid= username1
pwd= password1
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Add the clidriver's bin directory to the environment path

Just open the Terminal and run the command below to create/open a bash profile file

vi ~/.bash_profile
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Copy and paste the details below.
Note : To save the file, press the Esc key, then type :wq

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/share/odbc_db2/clidriver/bin/
export DB2CLIINIPATH=/usr/local/share/odbc_db2/clidriver/cfg/
export DB2DSDRIVER_CFG_PATH=/usr/local/share/odbc_db2/clidriver/cfg/
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NOTE: the current shell session needs to be restarted for changes to take effect.
This can be done by closing and reopening the terminal or by typing

source ~/.bash_profile
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Verify that the changes to the path environment variable is being read by the terminal. Type the command below to list all the environment variables currently set.

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Test the database connection

verify the driver and datasource

odbcinst -q -d
odbcinst -q -s
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Test the new configuration with the UnixODBC isql tool:

isql usrProd username1 password1
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Test the new configuration with db2cli:

db2cli validate -dsn usrProd -connect -user username1 -passwd password1 

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Create node application

mkdir -p /var/www/node-apps/obdc_test
cd /var/www/node-apps/obdc_test
npm init -y
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Install node ODBC package

npm install odbc

vi /var/www/node-apps/obdc_test/app.js
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Copy and paste the details below.
Note : To save the file, press the Esc key, then type :wq

const odbc = require("odbc");

const cn = "DSN=usrProd;UID=username1;PWD=password1";

odbc.connect(cn, (error, connection) => {
    (error, result) => {
      if (error) {
        throw error;
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Run node application:

node /var/www/node-apps/obdc_test/app.js
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Bonus : Install IBM I Access Client GUI

Install instructions taken from here:

To get the driver, visit the IBM i Access - Client Solutions page and select Downloads for IBM i Access Client Solutions. After logging in and redirected to the IBM I Access Client Solutions Download page, select the Download using http tab then scroll down and download the IBM i Access Client Solutions (IBMiAccess_v1r1).

Install Java:

In the terminal type the command below, if java is not installed follow the instructions on the screen to download and install it

# java -version

locate the ** ⁨Mac_Application⁩ **
Click install_acs to install the software, doing this should create the IBM i Access Client in the Applications directory


Alternative driver files location*&platform=Mac+OSX&function=fixId&fixids=*macos_dsdriver*FP001*&includeSupersedes=0&source=fc

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