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What is the best text editor between VSCode, Sublime text and Bracket ? 🤔

Mphiliseni on August 18, 2020


tfantina profile image
Travis Fantina

Between just those three I'd say VSCode, I haven't worked with Sublime but my experience with Brackets was that it was pretty lite on features and mostly built for HTML/JavaScript.

Personally I'm still an Atom man, I will be using that editor until Microsoft kills it (then probably after assuming someone forks it).

mphiliseni profile image

🙂 vscode is awesome try it 👌

tfantina profile image
Travis Fantina

I used it exclusively for about three months. Plugins and performance are 💯 I just can't stand the design.

keyboardinterrupt profile image
KeyboardInterrupt • Edited

I will have to go with vscode.

I used Sublime Text a long time as my editor of choice, It is really an amazing tool, especially once you get really used to it, and established shortcuts and configuration that just feels right, and that enhance your workflow by Soo much!... But why vscode then you ask?

Well if you are still in the process of choosing, and not already tainted by the superiority of an established workflow that just feels right...

Go with vscode, it can do almost all of what Sublime text can do, but has so much more to offer on the plugins and, integrations front.

I personally use both. I initially had to force myself into using vscode / codium but it now comes naturally to me to launch vscode in most cases, and If I really cannot find an adequate replacement for a missing feature/workflow I quickly start up sublimetext to perform the work in question.


andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

VS Code without a doubt. Large community, dozens of extensions and themes. Hugely popular and used by many top developers even those who make courses. Created by Microsoft which means huge funding and backing they are not just going to disappear or abandon it like smaller companies.

mphiliseni profile image

Perfect 👌

aurumtechie profile image
Neeyat Lotlikar • Edited

VS Code is really good. It's highly customizable and has tons of extension support enabling you to use it for a variety of different development tasks. I haven't used brackets. In my opinion, sublime is much less on the user appealing features side. Try VS Code, you might like it.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

VSCode is free, with telemetry. VSCodium is more free. Brackets is free.

Sublime is non-free and has questions about how it will be supported in the future.

That rules out Sublime for me immediately. Why use something non-free when there are great free alternatives?

Full disclosure: I've never used Brackets. It looks like it's alright. VSCodium has a big backer and a huge community nowadays though, and my experience of it is that it's good.

So lacking better knowledge, I'll go with VSC.

delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal

VSCode always

web_walkerx profile image
Buba Mohammed Auwal

I always use vscode, its really easy to setup and super customizable. Tons of plugins and extensions. And its customizable to use the tab auto tag completion sublime text is popular for.

shehzadasalman profile image
shehzada salman

Well the most popular one is VS code. I mostly use it because it has a large collection of packages to help your development. But deep down I still like atom.