DEV Community

Max Bantsevich
Max Bantsevich

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💡 Valuable insights from our team after Family Meetup #3 that can be useful to all front-end developers.

We've spent a long time optimising everything to save time and streamline our development approach. So here are the conclusions we’re coming up with after Family Frontend Meetup #3:

  1. 🚀Orval is brilliant for working with creating data fetching functions. It shifts responsibility to backend developers only, allows us to use the configuration file in every project and saves time on synchronisations between frontend and backend.
  2. 🌟Using Next.js and its next/image сomponent is even better than the yourself-written Picture component. That’s how we can get rid of unnecessary libraries and manually created data structures.
  3. 🔄First updates in Next.js 15 include the improvements of partial prerendering (PPR) for combining static and dynamic components in one route. You can also use the next/after function to make the server respond immediately to the client's request.

We also discussed the effectiveness of linters in cleaning up code. And found the combination of eslint + styleline + prettier + husky to be the most suitable.

Check out our blog for more details on our Family Frontend Meetup 3 insights and discoveries. As well as our personal top time and code tested libraries 👉 Family Frontend Meetup #3

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