DEV Community

Discussion on: Best way to earn reputation on Stack Overflow in 202X

mrdulin profile image
official_dulin • Edited

Totally agree! In today's world, getting SO reputation takes more time and effort.

Take a look at this basic question about Git:, it earned 10k+ upvotes, 1 upvote = 10 rep, so the OP earned 100k+ rep from this one question.

Take a look at OP's profile, he has posted a total of 161 questions and 24 answers. His total rep is 115k+.

Now, let's see my data.

I have posted a total of 2,131 answers and 352 questions. My total repo is 66k+.

Time is really important for everything. It's like you hold the original stock of Apple Inc. I joined the community about 6 years ago, he joined 11 years ago. A basic question 10 years ago received more votes than thousands of questions and answers today.

I answered a lot of specific and basic questions for a few years, and I feel like I don't get as many upvotes as I used to, and people in the community may be less and less inclined to vote.

Although I learned something while answering these questions, it was really frustrating that the answers weren't accepted and voted on, and it felt like the community was becoming less and less vibrant. Although you can find new technologies from tech trend to post basic and typical questions and answer them, the community is changing and people seem to lose interest in voting.

madhead profile image

You have a great profile!