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Implementing a Stack in JavaScript

Stack is one on the most common and widely used data-structure. stack follows the LIFO(Last In First Out) policy.

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In the above image, we can see the stack of books. If we notice carefully, we can add a new book only from the top. Likewise, we can only remove the book from the top. which is pretty much a similar analogy to how the stack data-structure works.

Stack Implementation:

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Now let's take a look at each individual operation that can be performed on the stack.

PushElement():It is used to insert an element on top of the stack.

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PopElement():It deletes the topmost element of the stack and returns it.

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isEmpty():This method returns true if the stack is empty; otherwise, it returns false.

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Peek():This method returns the topmost element of the stack without actually deleting it.

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Print():This method is used to print all the elements present in the stack.

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Adding elements to the stack and printing them: We can add new elements to the stack using PushElement() and we can print them using Print()

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Removing the topmost element and printing the remaining elements in the stack: For removing the topmost element of the stack we can use the PopElement() method and for printing we can use the Print() method

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If we take a closer look, we removed the top most element from the stack, which is 60.

Checking whether the given stack is empty or not: For checking whether the stack is empty or not we can use isEmpty() method

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In our case the stack is not empty so the isEmpty() method returns false

Getting the topmost element of the stack without deleting it: To get the top most element of the stack without actually deleting it we can use Peek() method.

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Here we can see that Peek() is returning the top most element which is 50 without actually deleting it from the stack

Stack Underflow: This occurs when you try to remove or get the top most element of the stack when the stack is empty.

Stack Overflow: This occurs when you try to add a new element to the stack which is already full

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