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Discussion on: Build a RESTful API with the Serverless Framework

mshaikhcci profile image
Mubina Shaikh

Hi Sagar,

Thank you for sharing, upon changing serverless.yml runtime to nodejs12.x, i am not getting the error i mentioned in previous comment.

I am attaching screenshots of calling API in postman i dont get response as shown in your article, and get pokemon by id API doesnt work at all.

Please let me knoew how to get data of API correctly.

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mshaikhcci profile image
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mshaikhcci profile image
Mubina Shaikh
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mshaikhcci profile image
Mubina Shaikh

Also, I tried to debug by putting console statements in index.js file API's but console statements are not printed in BE.

app.get('/pokemon/', (req, res) => {
const query = 'SELECT * FROM pokemon_tb'
pool.query(query, (err, results, fields) => {
if (err) {
const response = { data: null, message: err.message, }
console.log('***********', response);

    const pokemons = [...results]
    const response = {
        data: pokemons,
        message: 'All pokemons successfully retrieved.',


please tell me why ?

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sagar profile image

IDK exact reason behind this. you need crosscheck function with the article mention code blocks and also you've to debug the root cause of this.

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mshaikhcci profile image
Mubina Shaikh

Hi, i had crossed checked function code blocks with article code blocks, its the same.
Can please tell me why console statements arent printing, it should print right ?