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Muhammad Salem
Muhammad Salem

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Embracing Surface-Level Understanding: A Key to Mastering Software Engineering

Theory can lead to experience by practice. However, theory without practice will not give us real understanding of how things are done.
Therefore we need to try things out, we need to get our hands dirty, if we want to understand fully and become confident in what we do.
The same is with Technical concepts, we may read multiple blogs, watch videos, or even go to workshops, yet those, without our own practice will not give us real understanding.
And if we want to learn things like:
Domain-Driven Design
we have to get first hand experiences in real Projects. By making mistakes, applying solutions, and facing challenges, we can actually see how things play together, and start to understand DDD in applicable form.
We get confidence by practice, not by theory. And by practice we actually get to know what is DDD about. Many engineers, particularly those with a perfectionist mindset, fall into the trap of believing they must attain complete theoretical understanding before applying their skills in real-world scenarios. This article explores why accepting surface-level understanding and focusing on practical application is not only acceptable but often essential for true mastery and career growth in software engineering.

The Perfectionism Pitfall:

Software engineers, by nature, tend to be detail-oriented individuals who strive for excellence. This trait, while valuable in many aspects of the job, can become a hindrance when it comes to learning new concepts or technologies. The desire for complete comprehension before implementation often leads to:

  1. Analysis paralysis: Spending excessive time researching without taking action.
  2. Delayed skill application: Postponing practical work until one feels "ready."
  3. Imposter syndrome: Feeling inadequate due to perceived knowledge gaps.
  4. Burnout: Overwhelming oneself with theoretical information.

The Power of Surface-Level Understanding:

Contrary to what perfectionists might believe, embracing a surface-level understanding can be a powerful catalyst for learning and growth. Here's why:

  1. Faster Iteration: By starting with a basic grasp of concepts, you can begin applying them sooner. This leads to faster feedback loops and more opportunities for improvement.

  2. Contextualized Learning: Practical application provides context that makes theoretical knowledge more meaningful and easier to retain.

  3. Targeted Knowledge Acquisition: As you work on real projects, you'll naturally identify specific areas where deeper understanding is necessary, allowing for more focused and efficient learning.

  4. Increased Motivation: Seeing tangible results from your work, even with incomplete knowledge, can boost confidence and drive further learning.

  5. Adaptability: In a field that changes rapidly, the ability to quickly grasp and apply new concepts is often more valuable than deep expertise in potentially outdated technologies.

Strategies for Embracing Surface-Level Understanding:

  1. Set Learning Thresholds: Establish a basic level of understanding that's "good enough" to start working on projects. This might be understanding core principles or being able to implement basic functionality.

  2. Practice Just-In-Time Learning: Instead of trying to learn everything upfront, focus on acquiring knowledge as you need it for specific tasks or projects.

  3. Embrace the "MVP" Mindset: Apply the concept of Minimum Viable Product to your learning. Start with a basic implementation and iterate as you gain more knowledge and experience.

  4. Leverage Documentation and Resources: Instead of trying to memorize everything, become adept at quickly finding and applying information from documentation and other resources.

  5. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: View challenges and mistakes as opportunities for learning rather than signs of inadequacy.

Protection Against Over-Consumption of Theory:

Accepting that deep understanding comes through application helps protect against the "theory trap" - endlessly consuming information without practical application. Here's how to maintain a healthy balance:

  1. Set Practical Goals: Frame your learning objectives in terms of what you want to build or accomplish, not just what you want to know.

  2. Time-Box Theory Learning: Allocate specific time limits for theoretical study before moving on to application.

  3. Learn Through Projects: Choose or create projects that require you to apply new concepts, forcing you to learn through doing.

  4. Seek Diverse Learning Methods: Complement theoretical study with hands-on tutorials, pair programming, or contributing to open-source projects.

  5. Reflect on Applied Knowledge: Regularly assess what you've learned through practical work and identify areas where deeper theoretical understanding would be beneficial.

Overcoming the Perfectionist Mindset:

For those with a strong perfectionist tendency, shifting to this approach can be challenging. Here are some strategies to help:

  1. Reframe "Failure": View mistakes and imperfect implementations as valuable learning experiences rather than personal shortcomings.

  2. Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that even experienced professionals don't have complete knowledge of every technology they use.

  3. Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and appreciate incremental improvements in your skills and understanding.

  4. Seek Feedback Early: Share your work with others, even when it feels incomplete. Early feedback can provide valuable direction and prevent overinvestment in the wrong areas.

  5. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself as you navigate the learning process. Remember that everyone starts somewhere.

Tips for learning:

  1. Theory vs. Practice:
    You're correct that theory provides principles and guidelines, but the real learning comes from applying these concepts to solve actual problems. This is spot-on.

  2. Time investment and mastery:
    Indeed, reading principles takes time, but mastery comes from application, making mistakes, and reflecting on those mistakes. This iterative process is crucial for deep understanding.

  3. The trap of endless study:
    Your point about falling into the "hell of tutorials" is astute. Many learners get stuck in this phase, thinking they need complete understanding before application. This often leads to analysis paralysis.

  4. Necessity of real-world application:
    You're right that no matter how intelligent someone is, merely reading about technical subjects is insufficient for mastery. Practical application is essential.

Estimation of theory learning vs. real-world application:
While the exact ratio can vary depending on the individual and the specific subject, a rough estimate might be:

Theory learning: 20-30%
Real-world application: 70-80%

This means that while theoretical knowledge is important as a foundation, the majority of learning and skill development comes from practical application.

However, it's important to note that this isn't a linear process. Often, learners will cycle between theory and practice:

  1. Learn basic theory
  2. Apply it in practice
  3. Encounter problems or limitations
  4. Return to theory for deeper understanding
  5. Apply new knowledge to solve more complex problems

This cycle continues throughout a developer's career, with the balance shifting more towards practical application as experience grows.

The key to mastering technical subjects like software engineering lies in finding the right balance between theoretical learning and practical application, with a strong emphasis on the latter. The ability to apply knowledge, learn from mistakes, and continuously improve through real-world problem-solving is what ultimately leads to mastery in these fields.


In the fast-paced world of software engineering, the ability to quickly grasp and apply new concepts is often more valuable than striving for perfect understanding from the outset. By embracing surface-level understanding and focusing on practical application, engineers can accelerate their learning, increase their adaptability, and ultimately become more effective in their roles.

This approach doesn't mean abandoning the pursuit of deep knowledge altogether. Instead, it suggests a more efficient path to mastery - one that interweaves theory and practice, allowing each to inform and enhance the other. For perfectionists, this shift in mindset can be challenging but immensely rewarding, leading to greater productivity, reduced stress, and a more fulfilling career journey.

Remember, in software engineering, the best way to truly understand is often to build, break, and rebuild. Embrace the process, start with what you know, and let your practical experiences guide your deeper learning. Your future self - and your projects - will thank you for it.

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