2 tier means 2 layer .
Client is a machine . It is runned by API
Architecture is crucial for efficient data management and system performance . It helps users to get their requests done while connecting to the database .
2 tier layer is simply like 2 layer . One is customer/client layer . Another is server layer . One requests another response . Like when we use facebook or Linkedin we request server to login . Server checks if our login information correct or not . Then it response and we are logged in and we request to post and server accepts and we can post .
What is API ?
It is a bridge between client and server . Client gives request . API takes the request to the server and Server gives the response to API . API gives it to client .
The user are huge amount . That's why it is failed . To accese 24*7 location and others data was not possible for it and less secured it was .
In today's time 3 tier architecture is used
- Application / Client layer
- Business layer
- Server layer / Data layer
Interface - Web application
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