I have been using VS-Code since I started programming. According to my knowledge it is most searched Code editor in the world. There are some excellent reasons for that
VS Code feels fast. It is tough to get vs code to slow down.
Document search is really quick. It feels moment. It's as if there's no such thing as a wait time.
It's small and light, but it comes with the majority of the features you'll need. File searching, debugging, and a simple git GUI are all available.
Theme and customization assistance is excellent. In vs code, you can pretty much alter everything.
Excellent extensions! Consider what kind of extension you'll require. That's right, vs code has it!
Theme, File icons, Font-family, and Extensions
File Icons
- JetBrains Mono - I'm using this font for quite a long time. It looks clean to me and has ligatures support.
- Better Comments - Better Comments extension will help you create more human-friendly comments in your code.
- Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 - This extension allows matching brackets to be identified with colours. The user can define which tokens to match, and which colours to use.
- Discord Presence - It update your discord status with a rich presence.
- Live Server - Launch a development local Server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages
- Prettier - Code formatter - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. It enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing it with its own rules that take the maximum line length into account, wrapping code when necessary.
- Turbo Console Log - This extension make debugging much easier by automating the operation of writing meaningful log message.
- Project Manager - Easily switch between projects
- Path Autocomplete - Provides path completion for visual studio code.
I don't use the UI version of the settings interface. I like to manually edit the JSON file. To open the JSON file of your settings press crtl
, and then type settings.json
. This will open your settings.json
file of your settings and you can edit it like any other JSON files. So here i'm Sharing my settings.json
file i'm using right now.
To use my
you need to have all the extensions and fonts I use to properly use my JSON files.
Thanks for reading!
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