
Using Git as Your Personal To-Do List

Munem Prionto on October 27, 2024

Keeping up with daily tasks can feel like a never-ending juggling act. Between managing personal goals, school assignments, work projects, and even...
mrsrv7 profile image

Finally, a to-do list where I can blame my procrastinations on (merge) conflicts πŸ˜…

On a serious note, this is brilliant approach for those (like me) who prefer minimal setup over fancy, and unnecessarily expensive productivity apps.

darcher profile image
Dylan Archer

Actually laughed out loud. Haha, well placed kind sir.

ademagic profile image

This sounds like it's more valuable as a way to teach you to think in Git than it is to manage a task list :D Props to you, I would have never thought of this crossover

munemprionto profile image
Munem Prionto

That was the goal haha, thanks!

anscarlett profile image

Interesting idea. Might be useful to use git worktree to allow you to have all branches checked out simultaneously.

otumianempire profile image
Michael Otu

Finding another use for git

xuhayr profile image
Ahmed Jabir Zuhayr

Really creative, will definitely send it to anyone while explaining git to them, deserves a bookmark.

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Fayard • Edited

But what if there was a simpler way to keep everything organized while also sharpening your developer skills?

Ok, so git has its pros, but I won't ever use git and simple in the same sentance, especially when we are talking about documentation - syncing a bunch of markdown files, like your TODOs.

Let's consider what will get in the way one way of the other of you getting things done if you choose to use git for documentation like that

Any decent sync service git
will auto-fetch manual and you'll forget it
will auto-pull manual and you'll forget it
will auto-push manual and you'll forget it
will auto-commit manual and will requires you to have a useless commit message
handle conflicts gracefully on a file per file basis everything is blocked if one single file has a merge conflicts
centralized as it should be decentralized which you don't need and bring complexity
will commit only your markdown files will commit .DS_Store and, and oh shit, how I do remove that now that is has been commited ?
will auto-merge most of the time will bugs you to merge things manually even when the solution is obvious for documentation
has an history on a file per file basis has a global history which makes no sense for documentation
has an UX so light you forget about it most of the time has a CLI famous for its terrible UX
easy to install on Android/iOS good luck
makes it trivial to revert to a previous version of a file good luck with stackoverflow
doesn't rewrite history why the F# does git allow that ?
doesn't confuse you with branches because it works on a file per file basis have "branches" that aren't even branches like the biological analogy suggests
davidswalkabout profile image

Interesting, but I'd argue that the primary purpose of a todo list is to remember what needs to be done, not what has just been done.
A followup post could show how to do the former.

harsh_official_204eefbe08 profile image
Harsh Official

Nice bro

kaiwizardly profile image
Kai Wizardly

What I understood from this is it will help me keep track of what I have done.

But How are you keeping track of what you need to do ??