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Uzeyr OZ
Uzeyr OZ

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Dive into DynamoDB Secondary Indexes: Understanding Flexible Querying


In this article, we will be exploring DynamoDB Secondary Indexes and how they provide more flexible querying options.
Section 1: What is a Secondary Index?

A Secondary Index is an alternative view of data in a DynamoDB table, allowing you to query the data based on attributes other than the primary key.
Section 2: Flexible Querying

DynamoDB Secondary Indexes provide the ability to query data in a more flexible manner, allowing you to retrieve data based on non-primary key attributes.
Section 3: Local Secondary Index

Local Secondary Indexes are a type of secondary index that have the same partition key as the main table, but a different sort key.
Section 3.1: Primary Key

The primary key of a Local Secondary Index is composed of the partition key from the main table and a different sort key.
Section 3.2: A Different View

With a Local Secondary Index, you have a different view of the data, allowing you to retrieve data based on a different sort key than the main table.
Section 3.3: Faster Queries

Local Secondary Indexes can make queries faster by allowing you to retrieve data based on the sort key, reducing the amount of data that needs to be retrieved.
Section 3.4: Add a Creation Time

As an example, you could add a creation time attribute to your data and use a Local Secondary Index with a sort key based on the creation time attribute to efficiently retrieve all data based on when it was created.

DynamoDB Secondary Indexes provide a powerful tool for retrieving data in a flexible and efficient manner. With Local Secondary Indexes, you can create a different view of your data, retrieve data based on non-primary key attributes, and make queries faster.

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