DEV Community

Uzeyr OZ
Uzeyr OZ

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npm create vite@latest

Vite.js is a performance-focused web development framework for building applications with JavaScript and TypeScript. It prioritizes fast development cycles and high performance, as well as having a modular structure to minimize file size and enhance loading speed.

It is easy to use, offering all the necessary tools for quickly setting up and developing projects. Vite also increases loading and execution speed by only loading modules when necessary.

Overall, Vite is an ideal solution for fast and performance-focused web development, providing advantages such as ease of use, low file size, and fast loading speed.

With NPM:

 npm create vite@latest
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With Yarn:

yarn create vite

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With PNPM:

npm create vite
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Community Templates**

"Create-vite" is a tool that enables quick project creation from basic templates for popular frameworks. The tool helps to save time and effort in setting up a project from scratch.

Awesome Vite is a community-maintained resource of templates, which includes popular tools and targets different frameworks. This makes it easier for developers to choose a suitable template for their project.

Degit is another useful tool that can be used to scaffold a project using one of the templates from Awesome Vite. This enables developers to quickly start their project with a pre-configured setup, saving them time and effort in setting up their project from scratch.

In conclusion, Create-vite, Awesome Vite and Degit are valuable tools for web developers looking to quickly start a new project with a basic template. These tools make it easier to set up projects, reducing the time and effort required, and helping developers to focus on writing code and building their applications.

npx degit user/project my-project
cd my-project
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npm install
npm run dev

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If the project uses main as the default branch, suffix the project repo with #main

npx degit user/project#main my-project
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