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Mwibutsa Floribert
Mwibutsa Floribert

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N x N Tic Tac toe Game in Javascript.

// Let's create  afunction to generate an N x N board for us
const createBoard = (n) => {
  return [...Array(n)].map((row) => Array(n).fill(null))

// Get the board  3 x 3 as an example
const board  = createBoard(3)

//Check if the user is Row winner
const isHorizontalWinner = (currentPlayer, board) => {
 return board.some((moves) => moves.every((move) => move === currentPlayer))

// Check if the user is Column winner
const transposeBoard = (board) => {
  return,index) => => row[index]))
const isVerticalWinner = (currentPlayer, board) => {
  return transposeBoard(board).some((moves) => moves.every((move) => move === currentPlayer))

// Get diagonal moves from the board  This will be used to check if a particular user has won //diagonally
const getDiagonalMoves = (board) => {

  const diagonalMoves = [];
  const equalBasedDiagonal = []; // i === j
  const sumBasedDiagonal = [] // i + j == n -1 

  // Check for left to right diagonal moves
  for(let row = 0; row < board.length; row++){
    for (col = 0; col < board.length; col++) {
      if (row === col) {

  // Check for right to left diagonal moves
  for(let row = 0; row < board.length; row++){
    for (col = 0; col < board.length; col++) {
      if (row + col === board.length -1 ) {

  return diagonalMoves;

// Use the diagonal moves to check if the user is a winner
const isDiagonalWinner = (currentPlayer,board) => {
  return getDiagonalMoves(board).some((moves) => moves.every((move) => move === currentPlayer))


// is Winner
const isWinner = (player,board) => isHorizontalWinner(player,board) || isVerticalWinner(player,board) || isDiagonalWinner(player,board)

// Check if all the moves have been filled 

const isGameOver = (board) => board.every((row) => row.every((move) => !!move))

// the main function to check for game winner 
// row & col indicates user moves 

const play = (board, [row,col], player) => {

  if(isGameOver(board)) {
    console.log('Game over')

  if(board[row][col]) {
  } else {
    board[row][col] = player

  if (isWinner(player,board)) {
    console.log(`${player} WON!`)
  } else{
    console.log('Go on')

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