DEV Community

Tymur Levtsun
Tymur Levtsun

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Week 7: Doing some small and big things


These week I merged two PRs and each of them were both front-end and back-end related. Additionally, I was doing code reviews for my colleagues.

PR 1

In this PR I implemented fetching of records from server and rendering them in domains table that I implemented the last week.

I faced an issue that Remix serialize and deserializes data sent from the server, but it doesn't deserialize dates, so return them like strings.

I found the solution of using remix-typedjson the most simple and beautiful. Using that lib you need just:

json -> typedjson
useLoaderData -> useTypedLoaderData

Another thing that was included in this PR was making the caution dialog for users who try to delete the record.

PR 2

This PR was resolving the issue of making a real request to the server when user tries to delete record or prolong it's expiration date + it resolves some minor UI issues and adds loading effect for specific record in a table.

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