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rubocop for code quality and formatting in Rails

🔗 Parent Note

🤔 What is rubocop?

📚 rubocop document

RuboCop is a Ruby static code analyzer (a.k.a. linter) and code formatter. Out of the box it will enforce many of the guidelines outlined in the community Ruby Style Guide.

🤔 How to use?

put the .rubocop.yml on app directory and run following command.

bundle exec rubocop --config .rubocop.yml

then, get the results like this.

path/to/file.rb::11.1  C: Layout/TrailingWhitespace: Trailing whitespace detected.
273 files inspected, 1 offenses detected

It means that rubocop detects White Space which should be removed at the end of the line at row11, 1char, and the violation is only 1 in 273 files.

🤔 How to fix it?


1. Google with the detected message

When you google with Layout/TrailingWhitespace, you'll see following explanation, then fix it.

# The line in this example contains spaces after the 0.
# bad
x = 0
# The line in this example ends directly after the 0.
# good
x = 0


2. Auto correct

use -a option.

bundle exec rubocop -a

You can find other options on the 📚 document.

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