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Nadia Devita Oktarini
Nadia Devita Oktarini

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Is Compatibility in Love Really About Shared Interests? 🤔

We often hear that compatibility is about finding someone who shares your interests — whether it’s skiing in the Alps or enjoying classical music. But is that really what makes a relationship work? Are we talking about love or just friendship?

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The reality, backed by science, is far more complex. True compatibility is less about shared likes and more about something deeper — what neuroscientists call “neural mirroring” or “brain coupling.” This phenomenon occurs when two people are so in sync that their brains respond similarly during interactions, creating a feeling of being deeply understood, even without words. 🧠💕

If you’re interested, check out this article from Princeton University that explores how our brains sync during effective communication:

This kind of connection isn’t just about enjoying the same activities; it’s about a deeper emotional resonance. A study by the Gottman Institute found that 69% of relationship conflicts are about perpetual issues — differences in personality or lifestyle that won’t ever go away. What makes the difference is not whether couples fight but how they manage those differences. The key is not just tolerance but acceptance, respect, and finding strength in those differences. 💬

You can read more about this research at The Gottman Institute:

Moreover, research from the University of California, Berkeley shows that couples who focus on maintaining positive emotional connections and celebrating each other’s differences tend to have longer-lasting relationships. Couples who focus on emotional connection have a 20% higher success rate in long-term relationships. 📊💑

Here’s the link to the UC Berkeley study on emotional connection:

But here’s where many dating platforms get it wrong. Algorithms that match people based on shared interests and superficial likes often miss the mark. Why? Because they focus on rational compatibility rather than emotional compatibility. And emotional compatibility, as we’re discovering, is the foundation for a strong, durable union.

At Breezy (Rebranded to #Breezy), with the I&365 AI-powered apps suite, we’re working to drastically change this approach. Through a combination of neuroscience, psychology, and advanced AI, we’re focusing on what really matters: reducing stress (lowering cortisol) and increasing emotional bonding (boosting oxytocin). These are the keys to fostering real love that lasts. 🌟

I won’t reveal all our secrets just yet, but let’s just say that our focus is on building a platform that nurtures deep emotional connections from the very first encounter. It’s about creating a bond that’s stronger than just shared interests — it’s about emotional resonance. And for those interested in having a real impact on millions of lives, I’m open to discussing more details under an NDA. Let’s create the next unicorn together! 🦄

If you’re skeptical, just take a look at our recent poll ( It clearly shows that loneliness in a relationship is not about being physically alone but about feeling disconnected, not in sync with your partner.

Let’s stop perpetuating the myth that shared interests equal compatibility. It’s time to focus on what really matters — emotional connection, acceptance, and celebrating our differences.

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