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Nasir Ahmed
Nasir Ahmed

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How Optymize Made Me into a Better Freelancer

The year 2019 was very productive for me. Among a team of seven people, I was selected to lead a development team that was working on a few new AI features. I thought that was the highest point of success in my life. I worked very hard to reach there. That journey of mine began four years ago when I was interning for a startup. At that time, I was also pursuing courses on AWS as well as ML. According to me, there’s no boundary in the Information Technology industry. There’s always a new height to reach with every new innovation.

But then came the year 2020, and brought the Pandemic. What did the Pandemic bring? Broken dreams and sleepless nights. The company where I was working had to cut their staff and they began with cutting the team I was asked to lead and without any team members, they didn’t need the leader as well. So that’s that.

I come from a very backward village where technologies are yet to reach. Zero influence of technology on people is directly proportional to zero opportunities for a software developer like me.

I came back home and 1 year passed, and I didn’t get a single better opportunity even after knocking on every possible door. After endless rejections, I created an account on a freelancer's website. I had the experience and knowledge so why not try the gig environment.

I worked on two gigs and got the bare minimum for my hard work. With few options, I opened a tuition center where I taught coding to kids. I was stunned after witnessing the dedication the kids showed to problem-solving techniques. After a long and tiring day, the few hours of interaction with the kids became a solace for me. For me, it was a mutual learning system, where I showed them how to code and they inspired me to become a better version of myself every day.

After all these, I didn't give up my hope of having a regular job. My spirit continually asked me to look for better opportunities. So when I was done with my day, I would sit in front of my laptop and begin scrolling through the web.

There were numerous ads and opportunities but nothing struck me except one night when I stumbled upon this company called on LinkedIn. Optymize provided remote opportunities to software developers from around the world.

It was the turning point of my life. Like other jobs, I didn't sign up immediately. I waited and researched Optymize and how they served opportunities to freelancers. Once I got the idea of how they work I asked myself to find out by finally applying to Optymize.

I received an email from Optymize within a week after applying. They asked for a video resume, portfolio and CV. After that, they sent a link to an online test that covered technical skills as well as soft skills. Another week later, I got a call from optymize saying that I scored pretty well on tests and that the next step was open for me. They conducted an interview with me and they were impressed with my education, experience and skill sets.

One week later, I got the final call from Optymize saying that I was selected for a project and that the client is waiting for an exact developer like me. I appeared for the interview with the client and I was onboarded. It was 8 months ago. After that, I haven't stopped.

My first project went on for three months and after that Optymize found me another project. And it has been going very well since then.

Currently, I am working on a third project where I am working on relational databases as well as designing a few elements of the front-end.

This is how Optymize made me into a better freelancer. I was losing hope and Optymize came into my life and made me a phoenix who was raised from the ashes. And I know that I am not going to stop here.

Optymize provided two of the crucial things I wanted from remote work: flexible timing and timely payment for my hardwork.

Maybe it will give you something as well.

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