DEV Community

Discussion on: she's not a developer yet but nevertheless, natalie coded

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natalie stroud

Wow! Thank you for that last tip. See? It's the imposter syndrome. I put aspiring because I read somewhere that there's being a coder and developer - coder being a 'hobbyist' and developer meaning you get paid for it. I guess I have that fear of someone asking where I'm a developer at and not having that sufficient answer. I read all these posts about finally landing a dev job and that's my biggest goal right now.

It's funny because all throughout college and even after I dread that "what do you want to be/do?" question and now it's almost like it's clicking. Even with this immense fear of that language plethora I don't know of yet, it makes me so excited.

I also had the 'doesn't have to be perfect, just done' mindset in college. Especially when I'd get tired and had sleep on the brain. I'd work more for getting into bed for 30 minutes of sleep rather than a perfect project (ha!)

Thank you for the love!