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Discussion on: Between Flutter and React Native, which one should I learn?

nathandaly profile image
Nathan Daly

Don't get me wrong I love React as a Web language but having tried flutter it really is quite "groundbreaking" - is that too strong of a word?

No bottlenecks and limitting calls to the native device to build UI as it renders it's own components (just asks the native device for a blank page).

It has such strong potentially just needs that community build up and I really like the idea of stream pipes when it required to interact with native components.

The UI widgets are great and there are plenty to get you started.

Declerative UI's is also another plus for me.

boltc0rt3z profile image

Amazing. That's pretty interesting. Thanks

avneeshd profile image

Have you any experience in developing with react native? I'm a RN developer and I'm going to try out flutter this weekend. If i'm going to be developing a full fledged app would I need to be an expert in Dart? Learning curve much?