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Naveen Dinushka
Naveen Dinushka

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Dispatching an Action Event in Redux (notes from Freecodecamp)

Notes in QnA format

1.What is the method used to dispatch (send off do something) actions to the Redux store? How is this done
dispatch, is the method that we use to dispatch actions to the Redux store, we do it by passing the value returned from an action creator and then sends an action back to the store

2. What does an action creator return ?
An action creator returns a type property that specifies the action that has occurred. Then the method dispatches an action object to the Redux store , based on the previous example here following two lines are equal

store.dispatch({ type: 'LOGIN' });

3. How would we run dispatch in the following scenario ?
const store = Redux.createStore(
(state = {login: false}) => state

const loginAction = () => {
return {
type: 'LOGIN'


Knowledge check
1) What is the method used to dispatch an action?
2) What does an action creator return ?
3) How would we run dispatch in the following?
const store = Redux.createStore(
(state = {login: false}) => state

const loginAction = () => {
return {
type: 'LOGIN'

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