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Discussion on: AoC Day 24: Immune System Simulator 20XX

neilgall profile image
Neil Gall

Part 2

Find the minimum boost that lets the reindeer win? Sounds like a job for a binary search to me. Let's write a binary search that finds the minimum in a range that satisfies a predicate:

fun binarySearch(range: IntRange, predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Int {
    var currentRange = range
    do {
        val midPoint = currentRange.start + (currentRange.endInclusive - currentRange.start) / 2
        currentRange = if (predicate(midPoint))
    } while (currentRange.endInclusive != currentRange.start)
    return currentRange.start

We'll need some boosting helpers:

fun Attack.boostAttackPower(boost: Int) = copy(damage = damage + boost)
fun ArmyUnit.boostAttackPower(boost: Int) = copy(attack = attack.boostAttackPower(boost))
fun ArmyGroup.boostAttackPower(boost: Int) = copy(unit = unit.boostAttackPower(boost))

fun boostImmuneSystem(groups: Set<ArmyGroup>, boost: Int): Set<ArmyGroup> = { group -> 
        if (group.type == ArmyGroupType.INFECTION)

A predicate to test a candidate, for use with the search:

fun immuneSystemWins(groups: Set<ArmyGroup>): Boolean =
    battle(groups).last().all { g -> g.type == ArmyGroupType.IMMUNE_SYSTEM }

And the answer becomes a matter of finding the minimum boost and running part 1 again with that boost:

fun part2(groups: Set<ArmyGroup>): Long {
    val minimumBoost = binarySearch(1..1000000) { boost ->
        immuneSystemWins(boostImmuneSystem(groups, boost))
    return part1(boostImmuneSystem(groups, minimumBoost))

And yet again, I have a solution that works for the example and not for the real data. Probably the most frustrating aspect of Advent of Code.

mustafahaddara profile image
Mustafa Haddara

One thing that burned me was the example data is missing a LOT of edge cases the real data will have. For example, the real data:

  • has opposing groups where one is immune to the other's attacks
  • can actually result in deadlocks if the last two remained groups are immune to each other, or if their damage/num units combination isn't enough to kill one opposing unit.
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neilgall profile image
Neil Gall

Yes I find that annoying. But I guess it's like the real world too, and the answer is almost always in the detail of the text description, even if it takes several reads to jump out at you.