DEV Community

Discussion on: Feeling like you'll never get another Front End Job without knowing React. Can you relate?

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Sissi Adamski

i can relate to that, frontend development has lost its innocence. now the best is to be full stack which is much hardes since it requires "real" programming and a lot of knowledge of various things (databases, authentication...). browsers also have evolved and the days of fixing little cross-browser bugs are gone. now if sth is off between browsers or devices it is usually a complicated thing to fix.

i have started web dev 15 years ago and i can tell you: i am struggeling as well. i am a mum and simple don't have the time anymore coding all weekend and learning new stuff, even if i wanted to. the good thing though: getting to know the basic grip of react is doable and es6 is actually pretty neat once you try it.

don't give up and don't be intimidated by the buff boys out there. find your niche because web dev needs to be diverse. it should not be just a 20-something-nerd-bro-thing.