To check the status of the jobs we use the qstat command
# to get information about specific job
qstat -j <job-id>
# to get the full information of the resources
qstat -f# to get the full details of all the jobs running
qstat -F# To get the filter for a queue we use
qstat -q queue_list
# to filter by queue state
qstat -qs{a|c|d|o|s|u|A|C|D|E|S}# to filter jobs by users
qstat -u <userid>
# to show all user's job
qstat -u\*
To submit a batch job we use the qsub command
# Example 1: to submit a simple bash job
qsub <script_path>
# Example 2: To submit an advanced batch job we use
qsub -cwd-S /bin/bash -i /data/ -o /results/example.out -j y arg1 arg2
# Options explained:# -cwd: job will be executed from the same directory# -S: bash shell will be assigned to interpret the submitted job# -i: this file will be used as an input# -o: this file will be used to show output# -j y: this will merge the error into the same as the output file# Example 3: advanced script
qsub -N example3 -P project_test -p-28-la=lx-amd64
# Options explained:# -N: this will be submitted by the given name, instead of the script name# -P: this job will be submitted to project_test# -p: this will assign lower priority to the given job than normal priority# -l: this will request for amd64 resource on the scheduler# Example 4: to submit a binary job
qsub -b y firefox
Job Submission Script
#!/bin/bash#$ -N example3#$ -P "project-name"#$ -o test.out -e error.err#$ -l mem=6G#$ -l cpu=2# command to be executedecho"just a test"
qdel is used to delete a job in the queue
# Force delete a job in the queue
qdel -f <job-id>
# to delete specific tasks of a job
qdel <job-id> -t <task-range>
# to delete all the jobs from a specific user, only possible for managers
qdel -u <user-list> "*"
How to check for the list of the nodes
To check the list of the current nodes we use the qhost command
# To check the jobs running under the specific hosts we use
qhost -q-j
Top comments (3)
What is grid engine and all these qcommands for? is it a hosting platform or something like that? Along the lines of teraform or something similar?
hey jimmy, well grid engine is scheduler, which runs upon Linux clusters, it is used to distribute process over multiple nodes.
it's a part of HPC : High performance Computing
as I'm working as a Cloud HPC Engineer, so I thought it's worth sharing this knowledge with you guys.
Thanks for showing interest though 😊😊😊
Very nice! Thanks for sharing :)