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Programatically Run Script in Unity 3D is a professional platform that allows you to integrate cutting-edge AR technology into compelling location-AR games and experiences. is like Wordpress for geolocation game for Unity 3D featuring a set of tools that allow authoring scripts on their web-based interface and activate them on client.

The thing is, is only responsible for hosting the scripts, all the logics are actually ran offline on client based on conditions setup on authouring tool. That is fine for simple single-player games, but for more complex features like multiplayer, you need to be able to control your scripts programmatically , to be aware of their events and feeding them parameters from your own server.

Unfortunately, the service is currently in beta, “launching public access to the platform on March 21st.”, the manual is lacking a lot of contents, the examples only scratch the surface, and there are no SDK documenation. Luckyly, their support is really fast and helpful.

In this series, I will explain how to launch a script programmatically with dyanmic variables.

Anatomy of a Motive Script

Motive script is created on Authoring tool.

Normally, you will be using a Main script to launch other scripts, and in example projects, there is a Scripts panel where you can manually activate them. However, if you are programmatically launching a script, you will need it’s unique identifier. Each script has one that can be found on the address bar at scriptId parameter.

I think the term “launching a script” is a little bit misleading. In fact, you will be creating instances of that script, each with an unique runId specified by you. Each instance has its own memory. For example: If you create instances of a Location Task, each instance will have its own location, status of completion, etc.

Operations on Motive Script

There are 3 operation on a script instance you can do: Launch, Stop and Reset.

  • Launch: creates a new script instance or resume the instance if it is already created
  • Reset: halt the script and reset the original state of the script.
  • Stop: halt the script, hide any location marker, but does not reset anything.

To understand the difference between Reset and Stop , consider this example:

  • An instance of a script that contains two location tasks is launched.
  • The player has already completed one task in that instance.
  • If you Stop and then Launch the instance again, you will only see the task that is not completed.
  • If you Reset and then Launch the instance again, you will see both tasks.

ScriptManager Singleton

Script managing and operation is handle by a ScriptManager singleton with two main methods LaunchScript and StopRunningScript. Their most basic signatures are as follow:

public void LaunchScript(
  string scriptId, string runId, Action<bool> onComplete

public void StopRunningScript(
  string scriptId, string runId, bool resetState, Action onComplete

Both of them recieves scriptId for identifying the script, runId for identifying the script instance and onComplete Action for callback on completion.

  • For launching a new instance of a script with runId as unique identifier, or resuming an instance with that id, we use:
ScriptManager.Instance.LaunchScript(scriptId, runId, onComplete);
  • To stop an instance with id runId, we call StopRunningScript with resetState = false:
ScriptManager.Instance.StopRunningScript(scriptId, runId, false, onComplete);
  • To reset an instance with id runId, we call StopRunningScript with resetState = true:
ScriptManager.Instance.StopRunningScript(scriptId, runId, true, onComplete);

Try in Example

Start with the GhostHunter Unity template provided by, we will be editting the script launcher to launch new instance everytime.

By default, the script launcher of the template only launch and manage one instance with runId="test" for each script.

// TestScriptsPanel.cs
ScriptManager.Instance.LaunchScript(e.Script.Id, "test", null);

If you run the project, each time you launch a script, the Launch button is turned in to a red Stop button. You can remove this behaviour by changing the logic of TestScriptItem.cs like this:

// TestScriptItem.cs
public void UpdateState()
  var isRunning = false; // Previously = ScriptManager.Instance.IsScriptRunning(m_script, "test");


However, this only keep the Launch button, but this button wouldn’t create new script instance and no new location marker will be added. Instead, you would want to replace "test" with a random identifier like this:

// TestScriptsPanel.cs
var runId = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

ScriptManager.Instance.LaunchScript(e.Script.Id, runId, null);

Now, you can run the project and launch any script and new instance of it would be initiated. Managing all of these instances would requires more coding since TestScriptItem.cs only track runId = test instances. We wouldn’t discuss that here, instead, let’s explore how to add dynamic varibable to our scripts.

What’s next?

In the next post in this series, I will explain how to create dynamic variables in Authoring Tool and passing values to those variables when launching script instance in Unity 3D.

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