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Flutter app automate testing with Appium Flutter Driver

Taweechai Maklay on November 02, 2019

As tech person whom adopted flutter in tech portfolio (got much friction around this). The most question I've got is testing automation engineer di...
atul161 profile image
atul anand

Is there any ways to automate google Authorization using appium ?
How can i test webview using this. library .
Thanks in Advance\

joyce0101 profile image

I also encountered this problem. I want to test a hybrid application of flutter and webview. Have you found a good solution?

veenaharsha profile image
Veena Yemmiganur

Hello Taweechai,
How are you.
Thanks for the blog.
Am trying to set up the test automation for flutter application using Appium,
am new to Appium & flutter, am looking at setting up the testing project , preferably in javascript.
Thanks in advance

iabhay85 profile image

(node:74846) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Cannot execute command waitFor, server reponse {
"isError": true,
"response": "Uncaught extension error while executing waitFor: 'package:flutter_driver/src/extension/extension.dart': Failed assertion: line 373 pos 14: 'WidgetsBinding.instance!.isRootWidgetAttached || !command.requiresRootWidgetAttached': No root widget is attached; have you remembered to call runApp()?\n#0 _AssertionError._doThrowNew (dart:core-patch/errors_patch.dart:46:39)\n#1 _AssertionError._throwNew (dart:core-patch/errors_patch.dart:36:5)\n#2 (package:flutter_driver/src/extension/extension.dart:373:14)\n#3 BindingBase.registerServiceExtension. (package:flutter/src/foundation/binding.dart:597:32)\n\n",
"type": "_extensionType",
"method": "ext.flutter.driver"

iabhay85 profile image

Getting below error can some one help here

fredrickpard profile image

Hey Taweechai, thanks for your tutorial. But, it still a bit difficult for me as a new user to understand the procedure for it.
Can you please create a demo video?
Thank you

nitinvermaa profile image

Hi Taweechai,
Hope you are doing good.

I'm getting the below issue while running nodejs project.
Node Version: 12.13.1
appium: 1.18.1

2020-09-02T19:43:13.369Z ERROR webdriver: Request failed due to Error: read ECONNRESET
at TCP.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:201:27)
(node:29568) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: read ECONNRESET
at TCP.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:201:27)
(node:29568) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by
rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
(node:29568) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js pro
cess with a non-zero exit code.

veenaharsha profile image
Veena Yemmiganur

Hi ,
Am also facing the same issue..
Did u get the solution for this issue

zaphodikus profile image
Conrad Braam🤖

Can you explain this statement, but in a way a test engineer who does NOT write DART/Flutter code can go check and understand this? My team uses a framework that generates a lot of code, so the explanation assumes a but much of me. Giving controls a key or ID changes the kind of control or is the key "metadata" that the special driver hooks into?
"Since Flutter did not use native conponents, it's mean you need to define keys in all of your widget to made your widgets visible to appium-flutter-driver (also for normal flutter testing)."

giangthao profile image

I can't catch id, accessibility id, xpath after switch to NATIVE even though runInbackground worked my code await driver.switchContext('NATIVE_APP');
await driver.saveScreenshot('./native-screenshot.png');
// await driver.back();
await driver.pause(3000)
await (await await driver.$('//android.widget.ImageView[@content-desc="Project\n Tab 2 of 4"]')).click();

hattersharath profile image

Hi Taweechai,

It was a great explanation. As I am a beginner, I wanted to check can we implement this using java?

Thank you

tempest1000 profile image

Take a look at the following:

And this article which describes how to use Appium Flutter Finder and Java (use Google Translate browser plugin to convert the language):

netfirms profile image
Taweechai Maklay

I've found JavaScript only for now.

dpk7974 profile image

Hey Taweechai, still I am confused how to set up the flutter driver over eclipse, can you please create a demo video of Flutter app automation?

netfirms profile image
Taweechai Maklay

I think you don't need any IDE to do testing setup.

tevaautomation profile image

Hey Taweechai, thanks for your tutorial. i couldn't understand if Appium fluuter driver works on real IOS device , not just on emulator or simulator.
is it possible?