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Cover image for HowTo: My Terminal & Shell setup - Hyper.js + ZSH + starship β˜„πŸ”₯

HowTo: My Terminal & Shell setup - Hyper.js + ZSH + starship β˜„πŸ”₯

Thomas Jaskiewicz on September 07, 2019

[Revised at 2020-07-07] Probably, the first thing that developers do after getting a new computer is… terminal setup. I wanted to share with you m...
rizkysyazuli profile image
Rizky Syazuli β€’

I use spaceship for my zsh theme. It seems starship is a spin-off from spaceship with less language support. So why do u pick starship though?

tjay_dev profile image
Thomas Jaskiewicz β€’

Hi, Rizky.

It seems starship is a spin-off from spaceship with less language support.

Yes, definitely, starship was inspired by spaceship.
By less languages support you mean the prompt info about their version? Frankly, I don't need all of them. I feel perfectly fine with the smaller list of supported languages that startship provides. Besides that, the prompt can be adjusted later on.

So why do u pick starship though?

From what starship's contributors state it's created to be compatible with many shells, fast, customizable and minimal. Those arguments resonate with me, I got convinced to give starship a try. Moreover, starship is intensively developing and supported (it doesn't mean that spaceship is not).

Happy coding!

bgallagh3r profile image
Brian Gallagher β€’

This is the second thing I do. First is remove/disable all the bloat and OS apps that I never use.

Wish there was more info here for Windows users as well as you can install Hyper JS/ZSH on windows as well!

Great article!

tjay_dev profile image
Thomas Jaskiewicz β€’

Hi, Brian.

Thanks for feedback!
Unfortunately, I don't have any computer with the Windows at the moment. I use mac OS on daily basis so I focused on this OS. Also setup for other linux distributions should be really similar.

derek profile image
derek β€’ β€’ Edited
Starships were meant to fly
Hands up and touch the sky
Can't stop 'cause we're so high
Let's do this one more time
markuspeloquin profile image

I'm a simple man. When I see Fira Code, I stop reading. :)

Also those are a lot of aliases. Life isn't so bad without them. Less is more.

tjay_dev profile image
Thomas Jaskiewicz β€’

Hi, Markus!

I'm glad that you commented though. Thanks for your feedback in that topic!

those are a lot of aliases

I completely agree with you that "life isn't so bad without them" (aliases), but some people find them really useful and allow people to boost productivity. I added this list to let everybody choose those aliases that they might find useful in their case. Having a huge list of aliases doesn't mean that you have to use all of them :)

When I see Fira Code, I stop reading. :)

What fonts do you like to use? I'm always happy to experiment. In my case, Fira Code turned out to be really good font, I spend hours in the terminal and editor everyday and I find it really pleasant to read.

Less is more.

Always! πŸ™‚

alexeyvylegzhanin profile image
Alexey Vylegzhanin β€’

Man, it's awesome πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯. Thank you so much!

tjay_dev profile image
Thomas Jaskiewicz β€’

Thanks Alexey, I hope it will be useful for you πŸ™‚

matgomes profile image
matgomes β€’ β€’ Edited

Great tutorial. I've been using zsh with Terminator but I think it's very hard to customize it. I'll give hyper.js a try.

tjay_dev profile image
Thomas Jaskiewicz β€’

Hi, Mat

Happy coding! πŸ™‚