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JavaScript Promise !

In JavaScript, a Promise is an object that represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value. Promises provide a way to handle asynchronous operations that involve waiting for some action to complete before proceeding with the rest of the code. This can be very useful when dealing with time-consuming or resource-intensive tasks, such as network requests or database queries.

A Promise can be in one of those three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected.

  • When a Promise is in the pending state, it means that the asynchronous operation is still in progress and the result is not yet available.
  • When the operation completes successfully, the Promise is fulfilled with the resulting value.
  • The Promise is rejected with an error object if an error occurs during the operation.

Promises can be created using the Promise() constructor, which takes a function that defines the asynchronous operation to be performed. The function should accept two parameters: resolve() and reject().

  • resolve() is called when the operation completes successfully and returns the resulting value.
  • reject() is called if an error occurs during the operation and returns an error object.

Promises can be consumed using methods like then(), catch(), and finally(), which allow you to handle the result of the Promise or any errors that may occur. Chaining these methods together can make it easier to write and manage complex asynchronous code.

Overall, Promises are a powerful tool in modern JavaScript development and provide a simpler, more organized way to handle asynchronous operations.

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