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Discussion on: The Complete Guide to Full Stack Ethereum and EVM Development

nicebardo profile image

This is n awesome tutorial, thanks!
I am stuck while trying to set the greeting, I have this error in my console:

Object { code: -32603, message: "Error: [ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC '{\"value\":{\"code\":-32603,\"data\":{\"code\":-32602,\"message\":\"Trying to send an incompatible EIP-155 transaction, signed for another chain.\"}}}'" }

and this in my terminal:

eth_blockNumber (2)

Trying to send an incompatible EIP-155 transaction, signed for another chain.

Can anybody help?

a_regularjeff profile image
Jeff • Edited

Verify your hardhat.config.js, in my case my issue was a typo around network

charles_lukes profile image
Son DotCom 🥑💙

I had this error too, I resolved it by connecting my meta mask, you'll see the connect button on meta mask click on it.