DEV Community

What's a git tree?

Nic Hartley on February 27, 2019

I made a tool recently called Git Gud, and wrote a blogpost. Y'all seemed to really like that, so hey, why not milk it for a little more? More ser...
aa_angels_ilu profile image
AA Angels

Where is part 2 you mentioned in the start of this document?

nichartley profile image
Nic Hartley

That's a very good question. I'm not sure. I remember writing it, but I don't see it listed... Hm. I'm hoping I didn't lose it.

aa_angels_ilu profile image
AA Angels

Thank you! Once you get that, please update this article with link to Part 2 so folks will be easily able to get there :)

Btw - the article is awesome!

jvanbruegge profile image
Jan van Brügge

It's not a tree, but a DAG (directed asyclic graph). Every tree is a DAG, but not every DAG is a tree

nichartley profile image
Nic Hartley

Mathematically, yes, you're right, but git's documentation and users both refer to it as a "git tree", and talk about it with metaphors like branches.