Do you remember those long, long hours spent on debugging? When you're staring at a codebase and can't figure out what exactly went wrong? You're n...
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Great post, thanks Nikita!
Debuggers are amazing, my absolute favorite tools in my toolbox. The ability to jump into the code to examine variables, to jump back and forth in the execution and figure out where things go awry is just wonderful.
One thing I would add is making sure you can reproduce it and find the boundaries of the problem: under which circumstances does it happen. If you can't define the problem, it's much harder to start fixing it.
I've been burnt so many times by jumping into trying to fix something without first fully understanding when and how it happens. That way, you can also manually test those use cases after you have attempted to fix it.
And yes, I'm in the rubber duck wagon myself too! I have two at work (a regular one for easier problems and a Sherlock Holmes duck for the times when things get though.
Hey man! Thank you for sharing your thoughts about debugger. I agree with you
I was taught as an eager Electrical Engineer that there are two rules to fixing any problem.
1) Start from a known good: You need to be certain you are using components you can trust. Start from code (or hardware) that you can prove is working properly. If HW or SW is in an unknown state, you cannot reason about it.
2) Divide the problem in half: What would it take for you to get rid of half of the test cases or possible inputs? Can you isolate a module and remove dependencies so that you don't have to worry about the interaction of components, but only the functionality of a single system?
This combo has never failed me.
Cool and makes great sense. I'm mechanical engineer myself and love when paths cross
I have never used a debugger. As for me, I have learnt the most by manually tracing and grinding at the code. Yes it may be inefficient but a lot of the times you don't get an expected output due to some wrong logic. I guess manually analyzing code helps catch those.
Great read btw!
I set up a debugger to step through some open source code that I had volunteered to help out with. I was wanting to add a small feature so wanted to step through to get familiar. On the first step through the code I saw a bug that had been around a while and saw some dead code. I wasn’t looking for bugs but I was reading ahead and stepping and it suddenly did stuff that I mentally said “oh! why? that cannot be right...”.
This particular project is a bash tool to encrypt secrets in git called git-secret. No-one had run a debugger as its bash and folks don’t really thinks about debugging bash with breakpoints. Fortunately visual studio code on mac can integrate with bashdb and you can step through. So i made a video to show others on that project how to use a bashdb with vs code.
Maybe you will see something for the first time if you try stepping through code. Just a thought.
Me too, never use debugger, just console.log
Regarding to debugger vs. manual investigations, I think a good approach is to first do some manual investigation to get more context on what's going on and what could possibly be the root cause of the problem. Once you have an idea the real problem then you can totally use the debugger since it will save you some time. This is what I've done and it has worked for me 🤓
I would just advise caution when doing console.log() on an object or an array objects you are tracking.
As i usually stick to backend languages, it really took me by surprise when I spent three hours basicly stripping several hundred lines of code in JS looking for a bug, just to realise that thr objects I was loging were printed out as they were at the end of execution and not in their current state for that current iteration as one would expect.
This was denoted by a little alert sign in chrome, which I checked out a bit too late. :D
An easy but boring workaround is to use JSON.stringify on the object when loging it. :)
Thanks for sharing that tip. I've faced it multiple times and it still confuses me
I think the tambourine is very smart, frustration is the most common bug inducing and detouring factor; let's solve our internal issues with a nonsense ritual! As long as it is known as a ba ritual is great, in the minute it's become a hippy thing with spirituality, just move one
Well said 🙃
Excellent post! Three other similar articles that are worth reading as well:
I will say that I've never tried the "tambourine" technique before. I'll have to keep that in mind next time I run into an issue :)
Thank you for sharing those articles! I'll check them.
And yep, you have to try tambourine dancing. 😅
Nice compilation! I think the most underrated debugging technique is static typing - the more things your compiler checks, the less bugs will appear.
Yep, static typing can help you with reducing bugs, but I'm not sure it's a debugging technique 😅
Great advice. I like the "talk to a rubber duck!" A long time ago, my project manager was literally my rubber duck. I would talk about a problem and she would just "hmm hmmm" me for 3 minutes until I say "and... oh! wait a sec" to see everything resolve.
Furthermore, I would add this: baby steps. Either when you develop or debug, doing one thing and then make sure it works as intended will save you a lot of trouble. Sometimes it is easier said than done, you don't need to do TTD per se (but it will help you a lot). It is especially true in embedded system development when you do not necessarily have access to a console or have enough storage for log files. (Debugging with gdb on an embedded system that is time critical can be in the range of the impossible).
The argument that not using a debugging tool is better somehow reminds me of when I was startling out a friend in the office met someone who prided themselves at writing code that compiled and ran correct first time. This was C back in the 90s where your compiler would puke for an hour and your test cases would crash with memory errors without any output. It would take me 20 attempts to get anything none trivial to run before I could even start to check its inputs and outputs to begin to get the logic right. My friend had asked the craftsman how long it took him to write the code they were looking at. The answer was that he took about twice as long as our trial and error approach that involved having the tool (the compiler) give us fast feedback on where our intent had been mistranscribed into code. Yet the person was extremely proud that they wrote code the way they did.
I think the argument that not using a tool like a debugger is in some way more... I am struggling for an adjective... “effective” or “beneficial” seems a little strange to me. If you are having to fix bugs on a large codebase of a team you just joined the best technique is make the bug repeatable, fire up a debugger, and step through. Running a debugger accelerates finding and fixing and also learning the code. You read the code as you step through but are looking at what it does not what the code as written claims it does. I can think of no more effect technique. I could go without the tool and use only other techniques, or I can use the tool and other techniques, and be squashing bugs faster. The clue is in the name of the tool!
What about if its not a large strange code base? Write a unit test, bang out some code, set a breakpoint at the top, and step through the code rewriting and moving the breakpoint. I find this an effective way to get from “looks finished” to ready to ship. Maybe it doesn't work for everyone all the time but a debugger is is certainly a core tool that every dev should be able to run on their codebases.
How does the tambourine work? It makes the other developers fix your bugs for you to make you stop?
It's one of several possible applications 😃
Add breakpoints / console.log statements in every try/catch statement that you can find. Chances are, you may be swallowing the real problem, without even realizing it. I wish debuggers had an option to toggle this on when needed.
Great Tips, Thanks Nikita!
Doesn't know it is called Talk to a rubber duck. I always follow this trick.
Writing tech articles - you are doing it wrong. Putting around the 10 BASIC principles of debugging and slapping such title .. nah
Thank you for sharing your criticism! I appreciate it
Thanks man that was excellent article about debugging!
A great post with useful tips, thank you!
Thank you man, it's a very good post :)
The last one is very funny XD
Just try it. The more people around the better it works.
Only for back-end systems, though. There have been relatively few Tambourine debugging kits released for Java, though.
If you really want to remove Bugs from your code:
On the comment your colleage did about debugger I agree, but the truth is almost no one has all the time in the world to search bugs manually, which usually takes longer.
The collection of all sorts of debugging was really helpful. Now I know where to look at. Thanks :-)
I normally make a copy of the affected Code and undo my code step by step until I reach the point where the error might have occurred. Done
Real programmers don't use silly operating systems and, if they're lucky, they can twiddle an LED for debugging.
oh my gosh 🙃
Jacob Herrington's article on git bisect is great and a lot less dry than the documentation. dev.to/jacobherrington/git-bisect-...