DEV Community

Discussion on: What is that one tool/stack/framework that you have no interest with despite the popularity?

niorad profile image
Antonio Radovcic

I think it's important to differentiate freelancers/contractors from employees in this regard.

A freelancer/one-man-shop/consultant may face other consequences if they ignore certain technology. They are hired mostly based on their experience and are expected to be productive quickly.

I, as employed developer, can't choose not to learn tech which I need to use in my projects.

BUT: I don't need to learn it in my free time.

In my case: I couldn't care less about Angular. If I had the choice I wouldn't use it. (Personally I'd try to go with vanilla JS/WebComponents or maybe Vue/React if it fits the project and team.)

The e-commerce-platform we work with decided to base their interface-parts, starter-kits, CMS and whatnot on Angular in future.
(I disagree with that decision and don't think a web-shop should be an SPA. Nothing about this architectural decision makes sense to me. This is cargo-culting in its purest form.)

Still me and the other devs will probably have to work with it at some point.

As employees we don't have to learn "the Ng-Word" in our free time. I organised a three day course at our office with an external trainer. Everybody can take a deep dive this way; No personal time wasted. Plus everybody has a new tag for their CV.

Regarding Docker I feel the same as you. I never needed it for the personal stuff, and projects at work never used it. If we ever should, three-day-course here I come ✌️

briwa profile image

I think it's important to differentiate freelancers/contractors from employees in this regard.

This 100x. I should've empasized in the original post that it should be one thing that you have no interest with despite the popularity, but it should be from a hobbyist/weekend programmer standpoint, should have nothing to do with your daily job. That way, I think the opinions can be formed better. But apparently the thread blew up before I realized my mistake.