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Devops Project - CI/CD Jenkins Ansible Kubernetes

Kubernetes on AWS

                                              /        \
                                            /            \                          
                                      Push/Image       Pull\Image        
                                        /                    \
      Pull Code       Copy Artifacts  /     Deploy Container   \
Github--------->Jenkin-------------->Ansible--------------->Kubernetes         |
                    | Build Code

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Setup Kubernetes on Amazon EKS

You can follow same procedure in the official AWS document Getting started with Amazon EKS – eksctl


  • an EC2 Instance
  • Install AWSCLI latest verison

Setup kubectl

  • Download kubectl version 1.21
  • Grant execution permissions to kubectl executable
  • Move kubectl onto /usr/local/bin
  • Test that your kubectl installation was successful
   curl -o kubectl
   chmod +x ./kubectl
   mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin 
   kubectl version --short --client      
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Setup eksctl

  • Download and extract the latest release
  • Move the extracted binary to /usr/local/bin
  • Test that your eksclt installation was successful
   curl --silent --location "$(uname -s)_amd64.tar.gz" | tar xz -C /tmp
   sudo mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin
   eksctl version
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Create an IAM Role and attache it to EC2 instance

Note: create IAM user with programmatic access if your bootstrap system is outside of AWS

IAM user should have access to




Note: Check eksctl documentaiton for Minimum IAM policies

Create your cluster and nodes

   eksctl create cluster --name cluster-name  \
   --region region-name \
   --node-type instance-type \
   --nodes-min 2 \
   --nodes-max 2 \ 
   --zones <AZ-1>,<AZ-2>

   eksctl create cluster --name valaxy-cluster \
   --region ap-south-1 \
   --node-type t2.small \
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To delete the EKS clsuter

   eksctl delete cluster cluster-name --region ap-south-1
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Validate your cluster using by creating by checking nodes and by creating a pod

   kubectl get nodes
   kubectl run tomcat --image=tomcat 
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Deploying Nginx pods on Kubernetes

Deploying Nginx Container

    kubectl create deployment  demo-nginx --image=nginx --replicas=2 --port=80
    # kubectl deployment regapp --image=valaxy/regapp --replicas=2 --port=8080
    kubectl get all
    kubectl get pod
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Expose the deployment as service. This will create an ELB in front of those 2 containers and allow us to publicly access them.

   kubectl expose deployment demo-nginx --port=80 --type=LoadBalancer
   # kubectl expose deployment regapp --port=8080 --type=LoadBalancer
   kubectl get services -o wide
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Create Pod and Service using manifest file

Create pod manifest file

sudo su -
vim pod.yml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: demo-pod
    app: demo-app

    - name: demo-nginx
      image: nginx
        - name: demo-nginx
          containerPort: 80
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Create service manifest file

vim service.yml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: demo-service
    app: demo-app

  - name: nginx-port
    port: 80
    targetPort: 80
    app: demo-app
  type: LoadBalancer
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Run pod and service

kubectl apply -f pod.yml
kubectl get pod

kubectl apply -f service.yml
kubectl get service

kubectl get all
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl get services -o wide
kubectl describe pod podname
kubectl describe service servicename
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Setup Pod and Service

                          selector:                labels:
                            app: demo-app            app: demo-app
External network-------------->Service------------------->Pod
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As we know there will be large number of pods,When we send a request from External network to Service it looks for selector app: demo-app and forward the requset to the pods having Labels app: demo-app.That is why we use selector in service manifest file and labels in pod manifest file.

Integrating Kubernetes in CI/CD pipeline

Go to ansible machine

create a user and allow password authentication.

sudo su -
adduser ansadmin
id ansadmin

vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

PasswordAuthentication yes
#PasswordAuthentication no

systemctl restart ssh
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Modify visudo for created user.

vim /etc/sudoers

# User privilege specification
root    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
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User Privilege Lines

root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL The first field indicates the username that the rule will apply to (root).

root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL The first “ALL” indicates that this rule applies to all hosts.

root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL This “ALL” indicates that the root user can run commands as all users.

root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL This “ALL” indicates that the root user can 
run commands as all groups.

root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL The last “ALL” indicates these rules apply to all commands.
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Generate ssh-key.

su - ansadmin
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Go to Kubernetes machine

Create Deployment and Service using manifest file

Create deployment manifest file

sudo su -
vim deployment.yml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Deployment
metadata:                        --->Deployment name and label
  name: demo-webapp 
    app: webapp

  replicas: 2
  selector:                      --->Create 2 pods from pod template
       app: webapp

template:                                                    |
    metadata:                    ---> pod definition         |        
      labels:                                                |       
        app: webapp                                          |
    spec: containers                                         |---> Template to create a pod                                     |
    - name: webapp                                           |
      image: nithinalias/mytomcat ---> container definition  |
      imagePullPolicy: Always                                |
      ports:                                                 |
      - containerPort: 8080                                  |   

  type: RollingUpdate
  rollingUpdate:                 --->make sure only one pod updated at a time
    maxSugre: 1
    maxUnavialable: 1
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Create service manifest file

vim service.yml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service                    ---> Resource Type

  name: demo-service             ---> service name and label
    app: webapp

  - name: nginx-port
    port: 8080                   ---> port number exposed at cluster level
    targetPort: 8080             ---> port that container listening

  selector:                      ---> To which deployment it can send traffic
    app: webapp
  type: LoadBalancer             ---> service type          
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labels in deployment manifest file need to match with selector in service manifest file.containerPort in deployment manifest file need to match with targetPort in service manifest file.

sudo su -
adduser ansadmin
id ansadmin
docker login
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Allow password authentication.

vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

PermitRootLogin yes
PasswordAuthentication yes
#PasswordAuthentication no

systemctl restart ssh
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Modify visudo for created user.

vim /etc/sudoers

# User privilege specification
root    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
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Go to ansible machine and add ip address of kubernetes machine and ansible machine(then only jenkin server can access ansible and kubernetes machine) inside ansible host file.

vim /etc/ansible/hosts

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copy the ssh public key to kubernetes machine and ansible machine itself(localhost).

su - ansadmin
ssh-copy-id ansadmin@ip-of-ansiblemachine
ssh-copy-id ansadmin@ip-of-kubernetesmachine
ssh-copy-id root@ip-of-kubernetesmachine
ansible all -m ping
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Now authorized key will be generated inside /home/ansadmin/.ssh/authorized_keys of kubernetes,ansible machine and /root/.ssh/authorized_keys of kubernetes machine.

create a directory,give ownership of ansadmin,add ansadmin to docker group and docker.sock permissions to all users.

sudo su -
mkdir /opt/docker
chown ansadmin:ansadmin /opt/docker
usermod -aG docker ansadmin
id ansadmin
chmod 777 /var/run/docker.sock
systemctl restart docker
su - ansadmin
docker login
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Create dockerfile for tomcat image creation.

vim /opt/docker/dockerfile

FROM tomcat
RUN cp -R /usr/local/tomcat/webapps.dist/* /usr/local/tomcat/webapps
COPY ./*.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps
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Generate ansible-playbook for building tomcat image.

vim /opt/docker/build_tomcatimage.yml


- hosts: ansible

  - name: create docker image
    command: docker build -t mytomcat .
     chdir: /opt/docker

  - name: create tag to push image onto dockerhub
    command: docker tag mytomcat nithinalias/mytomcat

  - name: push docker image
    command: docker push nithinalias/mytomcat

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Generate ansible-playbook to run deployment and service manifest file.

vim /opt/docker/run_kube_manifestfile.yml


- hosts: kubernetes
  user: root

  - name: run deployment manifestfile on kubernetes
    command: kubectl apply -f deployment.yml

  - name: run service manifestfile on kubernetes
    command: kubectl apply -f service.yml

  - name: update deployment with new pods if image updated in dockerhub
    command: kubectl rollout restart deployment.apps/demo-webapp

# we don't want to mention exact path like /root/deployment.yml or /root/service.yml, since we are performing the task as root user.

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Integrate Ansible with Jenkins

we need to add ansadmin ssh connection of ansible machine.

Manage Jenkins - Configure System - SSH servers - Add - Add name(ansible-server),Hostname(ip-of-ansible machine),username
(ansadmin) - Advanced - Enable Use password authentication or use a different key - Add password of user ansadmin(instead you can use ssh-key/path of ssh-key if present) - Test configuration - Apply - save.

Continuous Integration using Jenkins

New Item - Add item name(CI webapp),select Maven project - OK - Add description - Select Git and add Repositories URL,Branch - Build Triggers(Poll SCM=* * * * * means every minute check the repository and if there any update it will trigger build - Build periodically means it will trigger build periodically even if repository not updated) - Build(Add Root POM=pom.xml,Goals and options=clean install) - Add post-build Action - Send build artifacts over SSH - Select SSH server name(ansible-server),Add sourcefile(webapp/target/*.war),Add Remove prefix(webapp/target),Add Remote directory="//opt//docker"(if it is blank webapp.war will be in /home/ansadmin),
Exec command ="ansible-playbook /opt/docker/build_tomcatimage.yml" - Add post-build action - Build other projects - Go to post-build action(top) - Add Projects to build="CD webapp" - Enable Trigger only if build is stable - Apply - Save - Build Now - Console output.You can see all build outcomes in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI webapp/webapp/target.surefire contain the reports of build and webapp.war is called artifacts.This webapp.war will be in ansible machine /opt/docker directory and copy this to tomcat image.The image created inside ansible machine is pushed to dockerhub.

Continuous Deployment using Jenkins

New Item - Add item name(CD webapp) - OK - Add description - Add post-build Action - Send build artifacts over SSH - Select SSH server name(ansible-server),Exec command =
"ansible-playbook /opt/docker/run_kube_manifestfile.yml" - Apply - Save.

Go to Kubernetes machine

kubectl get service
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copy the EXTERNAL-IP of your service and paste it in browser.Now you get the webapp.

You can go to LoadBalancer in AWS - Description - Copy DNS name - paste it in browser.Now you get the webapp.


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