Some History
Two weeks ago I wrote up a spur-of-the-moment thread on Twitter about how we are all Lifelong Beginners.
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But if someone is a "lifelong beginner" then when is going to become a pro at something?
I'm probably nitpicking on semantics here but I feel that the term "beginner" gives a wrong connotation (i.e. someone who starts doing a lot of things but doesn't get very far in any of them.)
That was my point.
Words have semantics which give them power.
And when words are used to gatekeep rather than empower, they can become dangerous.
And it is good for us to DEFINE what they mean when we use them.
You have given the term "beginner" the meaning of someone who does a lot of things but doesn't get very far in them. Who decides what "very far" means?
As an example: I have been in tech 20+ years and worked on many different platforms & languages. I did my PhD using C/C++ but that was decades ago. Since then I've worked in Java, JS, Dart, Python etc. If I were to revisit C/C++ should I call myself a pro? (I did after all use it for 7 years and built a system with it) . No - because I have the knowledge but not recent expertise. I can however call myself a beginner in the context of starting a new journey where I am using it in something again.
I will leave you with this.
Words have power and set context.
We should redefine BEGINNER to be a positive word which indicates the start of a learning journey.
We should set the CONTEXT by having the beginner clearly articulate what the purpose of that journey is, and what the destination will be. And if we can do that, then more people will find tech an inclusive place where all journeys are welcome.
Even though I completely agree with your overall idea, I still think that redefining terms and make everyone accept them it's not a worthwhile pursuit. I much rather use different terms to describe things.
If we're to make tech a place for everyone to be in, not only should we help them get in but also help them be the best they can be once they're inside the industry.
And of course, words have the power to define someone's world so better use the ones that can make the most difference for that person and others around them.
I have to agree on this - what I really like about what you are saying is that you see ways for us to shift the conversation to make it inclusive without focusing on the terms.
So YES! And if you come up with some terminology AND activities/actions that you think is useful, do write about it and tag me and I would love to amplify. At the end of the day, if we help more people understand that tech is a lifelong learning journey, we will have done good! ♥️
100% agree with that sentiment. Lifelong learning is the greatest pursuit IMO. I think is an advantage that the tech landscape changes that fast cuz people will have to eventually realize that going out of school/college is where the real learning begins.
I will keep coming up with ideas on how to talk about this type of topics in a way that is accessible to most people without the "bad" connotations that they may have had.
Most of the beginners lose their patience in early stage while learning a programming language. A beginner can become pro at something if he/she is given/or grabs the right opportunity to use their knowledge.
Agreed upon the sentiment that you have expressed in the post, beginner is always seen with suspicion of having very little knowledge. Point here is "Give him the opportunity to work, So that he can grow further."
Yes yes yes.
And the reality is that TRUE beginners (those who get into tech and are beginning journeys with a purpose) will PERSIST and become other things (pros, experts, influencers - whatever the popular "label" of the day is) - given the TIME (to grow their understanding) and OPPORTUNITY (to apply it in real world uses).
So the call to action for all of us in tech is simple:
If you see a "beginner" (starting a journey) - given them a lift to their destination (speed up that journey). Give them companionship, advice and support - make the journey fun and meaningful.
And if you have already made that journey, then turn around and guide someone else. Pay it forward. Because the more people who tread the path, the more likely we can then forge new paths to the next peak. The other analogy I love here is mountain climbing.
Beginners are those starting from one basecamp and going to the next. Each person has their own destination - some want to get to the next basecamp, and then return down and go climb another mountain. Some will keep coming back again and again until - basecamp by basecamp - they finally reach their Everest.
And then there are the sherpas.
Who have done this journey more times than they can count.
And are there just to help each new beginner make their journey a bit more productive.
We all have that in us.
Totally agree on this😊
Most people think when you leave high school, college, etc. That is when your learning is complete.
But then, there is a small amount of individuals like us developers that understand that you never stop learning.
As I encounter more diverse people (and as I get older) I have begun to realize that the most valuable folks are those who have not just understood this but actively gone out to share those insights. During the COVID chaos, I have been remarkably impressed by the inventiveness and resilience of teachers for instance. (ex: check out EdCamp) - they have long known that they need to constantly be reinventing themselves to stay relevant in the digital education space.
So I agree that developers value continuous learning
And I would also say there are people in every walk of life who realize that you never stop learning.
I have however realized that there is PRIVILEGE in being able to learn - I can only do this because I am at a point where i have resources for childcare, a spouse and home to provide some financial security etc. There are many who want to learn but need to work 2-3 jobs to make ends meet
One of my goals is to use essays, events and community interactions to pay that forward.
To make everyone feel learning is in their grasp and there are people to help them ♥️
Absolutely spot on!
This is true in so so so so many ways
Very true 💯
Exactly. What are you learning these days?