Leadership is not about control, but about inspiring those around you.
Managers transition to Leaders
As organisations move towards modern management practices there will be less of a need for Managers. However that does not mean that those same people are not needed! Their role is shifting from managing people, to managing effectiveness and leading people!

In a traditional organization, people report to people up the chain of hierarchy. No matter how important we say our customers are to our company, people (even managers) RESPOND to Who is Above Them. We need to change this and upend the story. CxO’s become responsible for clearing obstacles for the Leaders in the organisation to do the same for their teams.
Lead by example and become the leader that you were meant to to be!
For more depth read Good To Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t and The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate The Three Essential Virtues. Or better yet attend a Professional Agile Leadership Essentials Training with Certification with us.
The Scrum Master is a Leadership Role
There is a belief that the Scrum Master is the Scrum Team’s manager or maybe a Scribe, or even and admin. The Scrum master is not not Report Driven or interested in Resource Utilisation! They are a leader who provides services to the Scrum Team, the Product Owner, & the Organisation.

I love the story of Turn this Ship around David Marquet
Ditch the anti-patterns and become the leader that you were meant to to be!
For more depth read Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us and Scrum Mastery: From Good To Great Servant-Leadership. Or better yet attend a Professional Scrum Master with Certification or a Professional Scrum Master – Advanced with Certification with us.
Upcoming Training Opportunities
Professional Agile Leadership Essentials
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Professional Scrum Master
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15 - 16 February , 2021
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27 - 28 February , 2021
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Europe [GMT] |
29 March - 1 April , 2021
Professional Scrum Master II
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<a href="https://nkdagility.com/training/scheduled/live-virtual-advanced-professional-scrum-master-over-4-1-2-days-on-29th-march-2021/#tickets" title="Book Now">Book Now</a>
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Professional Training in Scrum, Kanban, & DevOps
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We have taught classes from New Zealand to Seattle and everywhere in-between!
And if you would like to schedule a private course for your organization, just get in touch!
The post Become the leader that you were meant to to be appeared first on naked Agility with Martin Hinshelwood.
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